Vol 28, No 2 (1991)

Table of Contents

Vol 28, No 2 (1991)

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Subscription Access

Original Articles

Female Literacy and Family Improvement - Part I Correlation between Female Literacy, Birth Rate and Infant Mortality Rate
Rajammal P. Devedas, Usha Chandrasekhar, S. Premakumari, G. Geetha
 Vol 28, No 2 (1991), Pagination: 31-40
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Nutritional Evaluation of Kalitur (Glycine Max) Protein and their Major Fractions
Y. K. Sharma, N. Subramanian
 Vol 28, No 2 (1991), Pagination: 41-45
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Organoleptic Evaluation of Clam Pickle with Certain Organic Acids
Y. Yellappa, K. C. Dora, T. C. Chandrasekar, K. S. Udupa
 Vol 28, No 2 (1991), Pagination: 46-49
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Nutritional Requirements of Infants having Lactase Deficiency a Review
S. C. Paul, B. N. Mathur
 Vol 28, No 2 (1991), Pagination: 50-62
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Book Review

Prevention to Childhood And Youth of Adult Cardiovascular Diseases: Time for Action
 Vol 28, No 2 (1991), Pagination: 63-63
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Evaluation of Certain Veterinary Drug Residues in Food
 Vol 28, No 2 (1991), Pagination: 64-64
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News and Views

News and Views
 Vol 28, No 2 (1991), Pagination: 65-67
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 Vol 28, No 2 (1991), Pagination: 68-69
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Current Literature Supplement

Current Literature Supplement
 Vol 28, No 2 (1991), Pagination: 5-8
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