Vol 37, No 7 (2000)

Table of Contents

Vol 37, No 7 (2000)

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Subscription Access

Original Articles

Effect of Supplementation of Spirulina on the Lipid Levels of Selected Hyperlipidemic Subjects
V. Anuradha, D. Vidhya
 Vol 37, No 7 (2000), Pagination: 204-207
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A Study on Fermentation of Selected Cereal - Pulse Mix (RBR) for Young Child Feeding with Reference to Nutritional Properties
Pallavi Mehta, Neha Shah
 Vol 37, No 7 (2000), Pagination: 208-213
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Estimation of Daily Dietary Intake of Elements from Cereals and Pulses Using Edxrf-Spectrometry
P. K. Hota, V. Vijayan, L. P. Singh
 Vol 37, No 7 (2000), Pagination: 214-219
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Short Communication

Nutritive Evaluation of Cucurbita Maxima Flowers
Supriya Bhadane, N. S. Tekale
 Vol 37, No 7 (2000), Pagination: 220-222
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Book Review

Book Review
A. Saraswathy
 Vol 37, No 7 (2000), Pagination: 223-224
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News and Views

News and Views
 Vol 37, No 7 (2000), Pagination: 225-232
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Current Literature Supplement

Current Literature Supplement
 Vol 37, No 7 (2000), Pagination: 36-41
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