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Effect of Partial Replacement of Cereal in Rice and Ragi Diets by Jack Fruit Seed Flour on the Nutritive Value of Diets

1 Department of Post Graduate Studies in Home Science, India
2 Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India

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Jack fruit seeds are consumed by people, specially in Kerala, North and South Canara districts of Karnataka state in various forms. Poor people store the dried seeds. The seeds are consumed in the boiled form along with vegetable preparations or baked in fire.

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  • Effect of Partial Replacement of Cereal in Rice and Ragi Diets by Jack Fruit Seed Flour on the Nutritive Value of Diets

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Khyrunnisa Begum
Department of Post Graduate Studies in Home Science, India
K. Padma Umapathy
Department of Post Graduate Studies in Home Science, India
V. A. Daniel
Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India
M. Swaminathan
Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India


Jack fruit seeds are consumed by people, specially in Kerala, North and South Canara districts of Karnataka state in various forms. Poor people store the dried seeds. The seeds are consumed in the boiled form along with vegetable preparations or baked in fire.