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Sia, Surendra Kumar

  • Inculcating Democratic Policing in India: A Psychological Perspective

  • Positive music can calm the child

  • Importance of Happiness at Workplace

  • A Study of Perceived Diversity Climate by Employees Belonging to Different Social Groups

  • Development and Validation of a Tool to Measure Congruence of Psychological Contract

  • Psychological Capital and Work Attitudes:A Conceptual Analysis

  • Workplace Deviance and the Menace of some Antecedents:A Review of Extant Literature

  • The Influence of Economics in Cognitive Activities and a Correlation Study on Economics and Study Skills of the Students

  • Caste Based Exclusion in Odisha: a Psycho-Social Perspective

  • Acculturative Stress: Importance of Social Support in Multicultural Workplace

  • Hope and Personal Stress:Manifestation of Gender and Age

  • A Systematic Review of Antecedents, Consequences and Interventions of Bullying at Work