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Sharma, Poonam

  • An Examination of Service Failures Encountered in Indian Aviation Industry.

  • Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Supported by Aggregated Assemblies of Triblock Copolymers in Aqueous Phase : Effect of Temperature

  • Mixed Micelle Behavior of Dodecyl-β-D-Glucopyranoside with Cationic Gemini Surfactants: A Fluorescence Study

  • An Overview of Nanotechnology Research at DAV Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jalandhar

  • Adverse Relationship between Altruistic Behavior and Stress among Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

  • Relation between Myers Briggs Psychological Types and Stress among University Students

  • The Growth Pattern of Women-Run Enterprises

  • Global Education : Challenges in India

  • A Study of Complaint Behaviour Intentions of Airline Passengers

  • On the Bounds for Oscillation in Thermohaline Convection Problems with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity

  • Dufour-Soret Driven Double-Diffusive Convection in Nonreactive Binary Fluids with Temperature Dependent Viscosity

  • Attitude Determinants of Income-Tax E-filing Facility:A Study of Major Cities of Punjab (India)

  • Uncovering Gender Issues in Acess and Human Capital in Secondary Education

  • Motivational Factors Responsible for the Adoption of Improved Mushroom Production Technology

  • Dose‑Dependent Effect of Deltamethrin in Testis, Liver, and Kidney of Wistar Rats

  • Efficacy of Trans-2-Hydroxycinnamic Acid Against Trichlorfon-Induced Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats

  • Hepatoprotective Effect of Curcumin on Lindane-induced Oxidative Stress in Male Wistar Rats

  • Empirically Investigating Moderating Role of Longevity between Mentoring and Scholar-Guide Relationship Quality

  • A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practices of Nursing Students Regarding Handling and Disposal of Sharp Items

  • An Analytical Study on Practices Regarding injection Administration among Staff Nurses

  • Paradigm Shift in Compensation to Workers in Indian Manufacturing-Role of LPG Policies

  • A Descriptive Study to assess the Practices Related to End of Shift Handover among Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals of District Mohali, Punjab with a View to Develop Handover Giving Sheets

  • A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of the Structured Teaching Programme on the Knowledge Regarding Blood Donation among the College Going Students of the Selected Colleges of Ludhiana, Punjab

  • Entrepreneurship and Inequalities:Evidence from India

  • A Class of Analytic Starlike Functions Associated with Petal Like Region on the Positive Half of Complex Plane

  • Aluminium and Neuro-degeneration: Mechanism of Pathogenesis and Possible Strategies for Mitigation

  • Does Social Capital Affect Perceived Job Environment? Evidence from IT & ITES Sectors

  • Entrepreneurship & Inequalities in India: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach

  • A Descriptive Study to assess the Knowledge of Primary School Teachers Regarding Learning Disabilities among Children in Selected Schools of District Gurdaspur, Punjab with a view to Develop Self Instructional Module

  • Cassia tora Mitigates Aluminium Chloride Induced Alterations in Pro-inflammatory Cytokines, Neurotransmitters, and Beta-amyloid and Tau Protein Markers in Wistar Rats