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Working Capital Management of Micro & Small Enterprises

1 National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai - 400087, India

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Working capital management (WCM) has played an important role in achieving profitability for micro, small and medium enterprises. A major cause for the failure of micro and small firms could be attributed to improper WCM. Micro and small ventures are especially susceptible to WCM crisis as they are typically placed in hand to mouth conditions. Lack of funds in tight situations might result in severe existential crisis. With the mission to be the leader in industrial development in India by 2020, Government of Andhra Pradesh has consciously taken steps to fulfill its dreams. This study attempts to comprehend the WCM practices followed by micro and small enterprises in Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh.
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  • Working Capital Management of Micro & Small Enterprises

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Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai - 400087, India
Kovilapu Jagadeesh
National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai - 400087, India


Working capital management (WCM) has played an important role in achieving profitability for micro, small and medium enterprises. A major cause for the failure of micro and small firms could be attributed to improper WCM. Micro and small ventures are especially susceptible to WCM crisis as they are typically placed in hand to mouth conditions. Lack of funds in tight situations might result in severe existential crisis. With the mission to be the leader in industrial development in India by 2020, Government of Andhra Pradesh has consciously taken steps to fulfill its dreams. This study attempts to comprehend the WCM practices followed by micro and small enterprises in Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh.
