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Treatment of the Right to Privacy in Cases of Conflict with the Right of Access to Information for the Publication of Judgments on the Internet

1 Corporacion Universitaria Americana, Barranquilla, Atlantico, Colombia
2 Corporacion Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO, Bogota, Colombia
3 Universidad del Atlantico, Puerto Colombia, Atlantico, Colombia
4 Corporacion Universitaria Latinoamericana, Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia

Objective: Today, one of society's problems is based on the influence of technology, particularly the Internet, on the daily activities of human beings, which, among other aspects, persistently faces the effectiveness of a State's normative system in the protection of human rights. To analyze the legal criteria that protects the right to privacy of every person in Colombia. Methods: We propose a review of the literature involving the reflections of the case, in order to establish a suggested position for the treatment of the right of the parties in the face of possible conflicts. Findings: Incorporate training processes for people who turn to the courts as part of some process that contemplates their fundamental rights. Application: It is almost impossible to differentiate, regulate and limit the information circulating on the network, since there are no parameters or guidelines that create effective filters that on a large scale purify the Internet or ICTs from negative information, so things being the case, the bodies responsible have a great challenge in providing control mechanisms for this type of event.

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  • Treatment of the Right to Privacy in Cases of Conflict with the Right of Access to Information for the Publication of Judgments on the Internet

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Oona Hernandez Palma
Corporacion Universitaria Americana, Barranquilla, Atlantico, Colombia
Nataly Orellano Llinas
Corporacion Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO, Bogota, Colombia
Hugo Hernandez Palma
Universidad del Atlantico, Puerto Colombia, Atlantico, Colombia
Luis Cabas Vazquez
Corporacion Universitaria Latinoamericana, Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia
Jairo Martínez Ventura
Corporacion Universitaria Latinoamericana, Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia


Objective: Today, one of society's problems is based on the influence of technology, particularly the Internet, on the daily activities of human beings, which, among other aspects, persistently faces the effectiveness of a State's normative system in the protection of human rights. To analyze the legal criteria that protects the right to privacy of every person in Colombia. Methods: We propose a review of the literature involving the reflections of the case, in order to establish a suggested position for the treatment of the right of the parties in the face of possible conflicts. Findings: Incorporate training processes for people who turn to the courts as part of some process that contemplates their fundamental rights. Application: It is almost impossible to differentiate, regulate and limit the information circulating on the network, since there are no parameters or guidelines that create effective filters that on a large scale purify the Internet or ICTs from negative information, so things being the case, the bodies responsible have a great challenge in providing control mechanisms for this type of event.
