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Discovering the Themes of Space in Penyengat Island

1 Doctoral Program of Architecture and Urban, Diponegoro University, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah − 50275, Indonesia
2 Department of Architecture, Diponegoro University, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah − 50275, Indonesia

Background: This research is important in order to discover the spatial themes of settlements and provide implications in drawing up spatial concepts related to the conservation of historical rural settlements. Methods: This study used a Grounded Theory approach in a qualitative research paradigm to answer the basic problem, which was how the spatial phenomena of coastal settlements associated with its growth in order to discover the spatial themes that formed in Penyengat Island. Findings: The findings in this study indicated that the spatial phenomena that formed in Penyengat Island had experienced six growth phases. Moreover, related to the spatial configuration of coastal settlement, this research discovered four important themes, namely: translation of cultural reservation and heritage space; intersection of social space in coastal space; the interaction of social space in ritual and pilgrimage space, and; symbolism in spiritual space and power. Improvements: Configuration of coastal settlement on Penyengat Island was not only formed from the physical geomorphology of its environment, but related to the past events and socio-cultural conditions of the people who has formed it.

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  • Discovering the Themes of Space in Penyengat Island

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Muhammad Rijal
Doctoral Program of Architecture and Urban, Diponegoro University, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah − 50275, Indonesia
Bambang Setioko
Department of Architecture, Diponegoro University, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah − 50275, Indonesia
Agung Budi Sardjono
Department of Architecture, Diponegoro University, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah − 50275, Indonesia


Background: This research is important in order to discover the spatial themes of settlements and provide implications in drawing up spatial concepts related to the conservation of historical rural settlements. Methods: This study used a Grounded Theory approach in a qualitative research paradigm to answer the basic problem, which was how the spatial phenomena of coastal settlements associated with its growth in order to discover the spatial themes that formed in Penyengat Island. Findings: The findings in this study indicated that the spatial phenomena that formed in Penyengat Island had experienced six growth phases. Moreover, related to the spatial configuration of coastal settlement, this research discovered four important themes, namely: translation of cultural reservation and heritage space; intersection of social space in coastal space; the interaction of social space in ritual and pilgrimage space, and; symbolism in spiritual space and power. Improvements: Configuration of coastal settlement on Penyengat Island was not only formed from the physical geomorphology of its environment, but related to the past events and socio-cultural conditions of the people who has formed it.
