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Subsistence Hunting of Podocnemis Lewyana and Rhinoclemmys melanosterna (Testudines) in the Region of the Lowsan Jorge River, Caribbean, Colombia

1 Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de Sucre, Colombia

Objective: We have evaluated aspects related with the subsistence hunting of Podocnemis Lewyana and Rhinoclemmys melanosterna, chelonians that inhabit the wetlands of the low San Jorge River in the Colombian Caribbean. Methods/statistical Analysis: During the first four months of 2018, representative sample of 83 resource extractivists and the information was collected through the survey method; the capture effort was calculated; for the population parameters, the number of individuals and the total length of the carapace were taken into account. The socioeconomic aspects linked to the use of the resource were characterized and also included descriptive statistic and the Kruskal Wallis test. Findings: It is determined that both the turtle hunt as well as its commercialization is significantly carried out by people of the male sex. The effort of capture has very high comparative values, which indicates for P. lewyana, that its populations are deteriorated, aspect that is corroborated, because the capture was minimal and composed only with juvenile animals. The methods of capture, in general, are harmful for the animal, even, as in the case of the burning of pastures, highly impacting. Evidence obtained indicates that the use of R. melanosterna, consumed exclusively in the diet of the hunters, because it is a species without commercial appreciation, is a new variant of the substitution effect, which occurs because the species of chelonians with Sale value is marketed and those that are not eaten. Application: Knowledge of the ecological and social aspects that are involved in the use of wildlife is a valuable input to advance conservation programs; especially when it comes to chelonians.

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  • Subsistence Hunting of Podocnemis Lewyana and Rhinoclemmys melanosterna (Testudines) in the Region of the Lowsan Jorge River, Caribbean, Colombia

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Jaime De La Ossa-V
Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de Sucre, Colombia
Alexander Perez-Cordero
Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de Sucre, Colombia
Donicer Montes-Vergara
Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de Sucre, Colombia


Objective: We have evaluated aspects related with the subsistence hunting of Podocnemis Lewyana and Rhinoclemmys melanosterna, chelonians that inhabit the wetlands of the low San Jorge River in the Colombian Caribbean. Methods/statistical Analysis: During the first four months of 2018, representative sample of 83 resource extractivists and the information was collected through the survey method; the capture effort was calculated; for the population parameters, the number of individuals and the total length of the carapace were taken into account. The socioeconomic aspects linked to the use of the resource were characterized and also included descriptive statistic and the Kruskal Wallis test. Findings: It is determined that both the turtle hunt as well as its commercialization is significantly carried out by people of the male sex. The effort of capture has very high comparative values, which indicates for P. lewyana, that its populations are deteriorated, aspect that is corroborated, because the capture was minimal and composed only with juvenile animals. The methods of capture, in general, are harmful for the animal, even, as in the case of the burning of pastures, highly impacting. Evidence obtained indicates that the use of R. melanosterna, consumed exclusively in the diet of the hunters, because it is a species without commercial appreciation, is a new variant of the substitution effect, which occurs because the species of chelonians with Sale value is marketed and those that are not eaten. Application: Knowledge of the ecological and social aspects that are involved in the use of wildlife is a valuable input to advance conservation programs; especially when it comes to chelonians.
