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Background/Objectives: Todays’ main activities in any company is identifying the development sections and defining good projects, and finally ranking them based on the companies’ constrains. Methods/Statistical analysis: A FMCDM approach is combined with the BSC for managing and improving projects in the EFQM model. The population of research is 30 persons, and they were selected by random sampling method from 2013 to 2014 in the Calcimine Company. The data collection instrument was based on the interview and questionnaire and based on the statistical and decision making methods in the Spss v19, Matlab 2013 and excel 2103. Findings: Management Dashboards in the production lines and strategic Planning were achieved high score between other projects. Applications/Improvements: We improved a FMCDM method based on the BSC and Efqm Models. The applications of method have selecting the improvement points and defining projects in the project based organizations.


ANP, BSC, EFQM, ELECTRE, Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making, TOPSIS.