Vol 111, No 6 (1985)

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Vol 111, No 6 (1985)

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Assessing the Quantity of Stacked Pulpwood in Field Transactions
S. N. Sharma, K. G. Maharudrappa, A. K. Ananthanarayana
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 349-358
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Litter Productivity of Dry Deciduous Teak Forest Stands of Sagar (Madhya Pradesh)
Ram Prasad, G. P. Mishra
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 359-367
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Nutrient Utilization in some Tropical Forest Tree Seedlings
Lalman , A. Misra
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 368-384
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Local Volume Tables of Acacia catechu (Khair) and Lannea grandis
N. M. Mishra, Jai Singh
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 385-395
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Edaphic and Microclimatological Studies with Reference to Regeneration of Sal (Shorea robusta)
J. S. Samra, B. G. Dabral, Kalyan Singh
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 396-409
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Dimensional Analysis of some Wood Parameters in Eleven Timber Trees
M. N. B. Nair, R. R. Chavan
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 410-417
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Hydrologic Response of a forested Mountain Watershed to Thinning: a Case Study
B. K. Subba Rao, B. C. Ramola, V. N. Sharda
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 418-431
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Studies on Genetic Variability for some Economic Traits in Solanum viarum Dunal
S. P. Singh, K. R. Khanna, C. H. Misra
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 432-440
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Leaf Peroxidase, Malate Dehydrogenase and Esterase Isoenzyme Pattern in ten Sandal (Santalum album L.) Types Showing Variations in Leaf Pattern
K. Parthasarathi, C. R. Rangaswamy, V. G. Angadi
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 441-449
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A Note on Regeneration of Shoot in Tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb.) Root Suckers by Growth Regulators
K. S. Negi, A. S. Bhandari
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 450-452
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Evaluation of Hardwoods of Andaman and Nicobar Islands for Kraft Pulps for Wrapping, Writing and Printing Papers
Sushma Mahajan, A. K. Raj, S. P. Singh, S. N. Dhoundiyal, Y. K. Sharma, S. V. Singh
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 453-466
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On Aphids (Homoptera : Aphididae) and their Parasitoids (Aphidiidae : Hymenoptera) Infesting Forest Trees in Kashmir Valley, India
R. C. Bhagat
 Vol 111, No 6 (1985), Pagination: 467-474
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