Vol 115, No 6 (1989)

Table of Contents

Vol 115, No 6 (1989)

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Probe into Wood-fuel Balance - a Case Study in West Bengal
Kalyan Chakrabarti
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 359-371
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Effect of Scale on Vegetation Mapping by Remote Sensing
J. B. Lal, R. C. Prajapati
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 372-377
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Leaf Blight of Some Hardwood Species in Assam and Meghalaya and its Control in the Nursery
M. D. Mehrotra
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 378-384
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Intra-increment Tracheid Length Variation in Branches and Roots of Blue Pine
M. K. Seth, Veena , Sadhna
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 385-391
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Forestry in Jammu and Kashmir : a Brief Critical Review
A. N. Fotidar
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 392-397
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Bionomics of the Ailanthus Leaf Roller Psorosticha zizyphi Stainton (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae)
Ram Mohan Mishra, Ganga Prasad, Rama Kant Mishra
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 398-403
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Studies on the Growth Performance of Some Green Manure Leguminous Crops and their Residual Effect on the Organic Matter and Available Nutrients in Eroded Teak Nursery Soils of Nainpur (M.P.)
N. G. Totey, Arun Prasad, K. S. Kapoor, S. Nautiyal, P. K. Khatri, A. K. Bhowmik
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 404-413
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External Morphology of the Larvae of the Khasi Pine Shoot Borer, Dioryctria castanea Bradley (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Pratap Singh, K. C. Joshi, D. Gurung
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 414-420
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Double Shear Strength of 5 MM Dia Common Wire Nails in Eucalyptus spp. Prob. E. Tereticornis
K. S. Pruthi, Mohan Lal, H. N. Mishra
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 421-429
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Relative Toxicity of Some Conventional Insecticides Against Adult Beetles of Calopepla leayana Latr. (Chrysomelidae : Coleoptera)
B. K. Gupta, S. I. Ahmed, Vijay Veer
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 430-434
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Infiltration Capacity of Forest Soils Under Cryptomeria japonica
Y. P. Yadav, H. B. Vasisth
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 435-441
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Research Notes

A Note on Germination and Longevity of Prinsepia utilis Royle Seed
Sarjan Bhagat, Ombir Singh
 Vol 115, No 6 (1989), Pagination: 442-443
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