Vol 120, No 3 (1994)

Table of Contents

Vol 120, No 3 (1994)

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Economy of the Management of Forests in India
A. K. Mukerji, Dipak Sarmah
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 193-201
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Dimensions of Fuelwood Problems of U.P. Hills and Solutions Thereof
G. P. Maithani
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 202-209
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Study on Germination Behaviour of Dioscorea floribunda (Mart & gal) in Nursery
D. Nag, D. Chakraborty, T. K. Bhattacharjee
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 210-212
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Introduction Trials on Grevillea pterldifolia (Syn. G. Banksil) Germination Behaviour of Seeds at Nursery Stage under Dehradun Climatic Conditions
V. K. Bahuguna, Pyare Lal
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 213-219
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Effect of Temperature and Dessication on Seed Germination and Shade and Moisture Levels on Seedlings Growth of Pinus patula
R. C. S. Negi, R. P. Singh, Y. S. Rawat
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 220-224
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Site Suitability and Tolerance Limits of Trees, Shrubs and Grasses on Sodic Soils of Ganga-Yamuna Doab
Kalyan Singh
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 225-235
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Effect of Seed Weight, Nitrogen Source and Split Application on Growth of Celtis australis Linn.
Mohd Saleem, S. Dev Bhardwaj, A. N. Kaushal
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 236-241
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Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Mulch on Growth and Establishment of Pinus roxburghii
S. B. Singh, Promod Kumar, K. G. Prasad, R. K. Singh, N. Malik
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 242-247
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Occurrence of Loranthus Spp. On Oak in Kumaun Himalaya
H. S. Ginwal, P. S. Rawat, R. C. Dubey, R. P. Singh
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 248-253
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A Reassessment of Lateral Nail-bearing Strength of Terminalia alata (Sain) with 3.55 Mm Dia Common Wire-nails under Double Shear (Parallel and Perpendicular-to-grain Loadings)
K. S. Pruthi, Mohan Lal
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 254-257
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Storage Capacity of some Temperate Shrubs
Sarjan Bhagat, Virendra Singh
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 258-261
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Electrophoretic Fractionation of the Soil Humic Acids of Chakrata Himalayas (U.P.)
R. M. Singhal, Pramod Kumar
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 262-267
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Occurrence and Nomenclature of a Rare Bamboo Neomicrocalamus manii
H. B. Naithani
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 268-271
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Research Notes

Evaluation of Planting Material under Unirrigated Condition in Three Poplar Clones
D. C. Karnatak, Anup Chandra
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 272-272
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A New Report of Spodoptera litura (Fab.) Boursin (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) as a Pest of Jatropha curcas Linn
P. B. Meshram, K. C. Joshi
 Vol 120, No 3 (1994), Pagination: 273-274
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