Vol 93, No 10 (1967)

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Vol 93, No 10 (1967)

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Nutrient Requirements of Some Casuarina equisetifolia Plantations in Maharashtra and Gujarat
I. M. Qureshi, O. N. Kaul, P. B. L. Srivastava
 Vol 93, No 10 (1967), Pagination: 687-690
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The Shifting Balance of Grasslands, Shola Forests, and Planted Trees on the Upper Nilgiris, Southern India
William A. Noble
 Vol 93, No 10 (1967), Pagination: 691-693
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Recorded and Unrecorded Lac-hosts from Madhya Pradesh
B. P. Mehra, R. S. Gokulpure
 Vol 93, No 10 (1967), Pagination: 694-707
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Extension Forestry
S. Raghavan
 Vol 93, No 10 (1967), Pagination: 708-712
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Orchids of Uttrakhand Himalayas
R. K. Issar, M. R. Uniyal
 Vol 93, No 10 (1967), Pagination: 713-716
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Salient Data on Design and Construction of a Deer Park Shed in Timber (1965-66)
N. J. Masani
 Vol 93, No 10 (1967), Pagination: 717-719
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Ecology of Dangs Forests (Gujarat)-I Phytosociology of the Forests in Ahwa 'block'
K. Kuruvilla
 Vol 93, No 10 (1967), Pagination: 720-733
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Rainfall Erosion Index of Dehra Dun
S. K. Gupta, Ram Babu
 Vol 93, No 10 (1967), Pagination: 734-738
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