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Kumar, Vineet

  • Environment Friendly Technologies for Sustainable Utilization of NWFPs

  • Development and Commercialization of Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor-Free Indian Soybean (Glycine max L.) Genotypes

  • Assessment of Exotic Vegetable-Type Soybean Genotypes for Nutritional and Antinutritional Components

  • Evaluation of Quality Characteristics during Developmental Stages for Green Pod Consumption among some of the Released Cultivars of Indian Soybean

  • Comparative Activity of Trypsin Inhibitor among Released Soybean Varieties/Strains of India

  • Discrimination of Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice Types Using Polarimetric Target Decomposition of Temporal Sar Data

  • Marital Adjustment and Life Satisfaction among High Computer User and Low Computer User Married Couples

  • Workplace Spirituality:A Strategic Tool in Organizational Development

  • Achieving Excellence in Technical Education through TQM

  • Spectral Analysis and Effect of Temperature on Thermodynamic Parameters and Biological Activities of some Substituted Quinoline

  • Pongamia pinnata:A Bio-Diesel Tree Spp of India

  • Effect of Drought on Indian Agriculture

  • Green Revolution:Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities in India

  • Lantana Camara –A Weed Having Medicinal Values

  • Effect of Soil Erosion on Indian Agriculture

  • Global Warming:Its Causes and Effects on Human Health

  • Role of Insects and Weed in the Environment