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The Impact of Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Entrepreneurial Competence on Students’ Business Success

1 Department of Economic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia ., India

The Student Entrepreneurship Program (ESP) is a Jambi University program to facilitate students to develop businesses as a means of education, training, and coaching to become young entrepreneurs. The attitude and competence of students towards entrepreneurship largely determine the success of student business. This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial competence on the business success of Jambi University students. The population of this study was students participating in the Jambi University Student Entrepreneurial Program (ESP) in 2020- 2021, as many as 104 business groups. Each business group consists of 3-5 students. One person (the group leader) was selected for each group as a respondent. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed online and analyzed using multiple regression statistical techniques. The results of the study show that (1) There is an influence of entrepreneurial attitude on business success. (2) There is an influence of entrepreneurial competence on business success. (3) There is an influence of entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial competence on business success. It is suggested that students participating in ESP be more committed to developing a business financed from program funds and improving their expertise in the field of business they are involved in. More intensive coaching is needed for business development run by students by ESP managers.


Entrepreneurial Attitude, Entrepreneurial Competence, Business Success
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  • The Impact of Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Entrepreneurial Competence on Students’ Business Success

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Department of Economic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia ., India
Department of Economic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia ., India
Meilinda Tri Wulandari
Department of Economic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia ., India


The Student Entrepreneurship Program (ESP) is a Jambi University program to facilitate students to develop businesses as a means of education, training, and coaching to become young entrepreneurs. The attitude and competence of students towards entrepreneurship largely determine the success of student business. This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial competence on the business success of Jambi University students. The population of this study was students participating in the Jambi University Student Entrepreneurial Program (ESP) in 2020- 2021, as many as 104 business groups. Each business group consists of 3-5 students. One person (the group leader) was selected for each group as a respondent. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed online and analyzed using multiple regression statistical techniques. The results of the study show that (1) There is an influence of entrepreneurial attitude on business success. (2) There is an influence of entrepreneurial competence on business success. (3) There is an influence of entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial competence on business success. It is suggested that students participating in ESP be more committed to developing a business financed from program funds and improving their expertise in the field of business they are involved in. More intensive coaching is needed for business development run by students by ESP managers.


Entrepreneurial Attitude, Entrepreneurial Competence, Business Success
