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Role of Cultural Intelligence (CI) in Nurturing Strong Organisation Culture

1 PES's Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune - 16, India

Liberlisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG) have changed the scenario of organizational culture in modern situations in Global economy. In spite of complexity, organisations have to employ and integrate staff of different cities, states, countries, caste, creed, religion etc. The organisations then make optimum try to manage the diversity and keep equilibrium in organizational culture and organizational development at local, regional, national level and also at international level.

Globalization has made the world seem smaller and ‘flat’ in many ways (Friedman, 2005). Still diversity in organization Climate always remains a big challenge for industries.

Employees of different backgrounds, perceptions, locality, cities, countries, caste religion, race etc. ensure success to fulfill a common goal. (Christopher Early and Soon Ang).

The studies have proved that the formal and informal bonding among employees takes the organization to the unexpected heights. Human resource manager can wisely play an important role to cultivate the relationships through formal and informal channels. This paper focused to find role of Cultural Intelligence (CI) in nurturing strong Organisation Culture. To develop it, companies shall undertake Need based Cultural intelligence Training Programmes.


Organisational Climate, Cultural Intelligence Training.
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  • Soon Ang (2007)Cultural Intelligence: Its Measurement and Effects on Cultural Judgment and Decision Making, Cultural Adaptation, and Task Performance, Management and Organization Review, 3, 335–371
  • Stening, B. W. (2006) Cultural Intelligence: Put it (High) on the Asian HRM Agenda, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 14(2), 74-84
  • Linn Van Dyne, Soon Ang: Sub-Dimensions of the Four Factor Model of Cultural Intelligence: Expanding the Conceptualization and Measurement of Cultural Intelligence Social and Personality Psychology Compass (2012): 295–313,
  • EFA Global Monitoring Report 2 0 0 5
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  • Shanker Menon & Lakshmi Narayanan, Asian Social Science; Vol. 11, No. 18; 2015 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
  • John Traphagan, We’re Thinking About Organizational Culture :All Wrong January 06, 2017 Harvard Business Review
  • http:/
  • Manisha Rajendra Bele, The role of Cultural Intelligence (CI) in Organisational success 12) P. Christopher Earley and Elaine Mosakowski, Harvard Business Review Cultural Intelligence October 2004

Abstract Views: 114

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  • Role of Cultural Intelligence (CI) in Nurturing Strong Organisation Culture

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Manisha Rajendra Bele
PES's Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune - 16, India


Liberlisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG) have changed the scenario of organizational culture in modern situations in Global economy. In spite of complexity, organisations have to employ and integrate staff of different cities, states, countries, caste, creed, religion etc. The organisations then make optimum try to manage the diversity and keep equilibrium in organizational culture and organizational development at local, regional, national level and also at international level.

Globalization has made the world seem smaller and ‘flat’ in many ways (Friedman, 2005). Still diversity in organization Climate always remains a big challenge for industries.

Employees of different backgrounds, perceptions, locality, cities, countries, caste religion, race etc. ensure success to fulfill a common goal. (Christopher Early and Soon Ang).

The studies have proved that the formal and informal bonding among employees takes the organization to the unexpected heights. Human resource manager can wisely play an important role to cultivate the relationships through formal and informal channels. This paper focused to find role of Cultural Intelligence (CI) in nurturing strong Organisation Culture. To develop it, companies shall undertake Need based Cultural intelligence Training Programmes.


Organisational Climate, Cultural Intelligence Training.
