Vol 4, No 3 (1967)

Table of Contents

Vol 4, No 3 (1967)

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Original Articles

The IFT in International Technical Assistance
Harold J. Rafson
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 170-174
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Effect of Alpha-Tocopherol on Oxidative Stability of Edible Fats and Oils
Zofia Markuze
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 175-177
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The Relative Efficacy of Protein Foods Based on Blends of Groundnut, Bengalgram, Soyabean and Sesame Flours and Fortified With Limiting Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals in Meeting the Protein Needs of Protein Depleted Albino Rats
Myna Panemangalore, Mankernika N. Guttikar, M. Narayana Rao, D. Rajalakshmi, M. Swaminathan
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 178-182
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Studies on Low Cost Balanced Foods Suitable for Feeding Weaned Infants in Developing Countries. The Protein Efficiency Ratio of Low Cost Balanced Foods Based of Ragi or Maize, Groundnut, Bengalgram, Soya and Sesame Flours and Fortified With Limiting Amino Acids
V. A. Daniel, T. S. Subramanya Raj Urs, B. L. M. Desai, S. Venkat Rao, D. Rajalakshmi, M. Swaminathan, H. A. B. Parpia
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 183-188
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Effect of Pantothenic Acid Deficiency on Blood Constituents
V. P. Shinde, S. D. Ambegaokar
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 189-192
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The Composition of Colostrum and the Production of Dairy Products
B. Senft, W. H. Rappen
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 193-197
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Influence of Temperature on Decomposition and Digestion of Sunflower Seed Proteins 'In Vitro"
Ing Segal Brad
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 198-206
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Studies on the Content of Reducing Sugar and Pectin in Ripe Banana (Musa Sapienium of Basri Group) on Storage
B. P. Ghosh, N. Sarkar
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 207-210
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Effects of Rapeseed Oilmeal Addition to Fodder on the Level of Free Amionoacid Content in Chicken Blood Plasma
A. Rutkowski, Z. Aleksiejczyk
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 211-218
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Review Articles

Recent Trends in Rice Research in Respect of its Processing and Nutritive Value a Review
A. Kannan, R . P. Devadas
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 219-230
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The Relative Efficacy of some Dietary Proteins in the Synthesis of Plasma Proteins in Protein Deficient Animals and Children
M. Swaminathan, V. A. Daniel, S. Venkat Rao
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 231-250
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Rice Polishings Concentrate in Nutrition
C. H. Chakrabarti
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 251-257
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Niacin : Antipellagra Factor Hypocholesterolemic Agent
G. A. Goldsmith
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 258-261
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Book Review

Utilisation of Nutrients during Postnatal Development
P. S. Venkatachalam
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 262-263
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Annual Report for 1965 to 1966
P. S. Nirmala
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 263-263
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Fruits and Vegetables
A. Kannan
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 263-264
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Nutrition A Comprehensive Treatise
Rajeswari Rowlands
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 264-264
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Gourmet Food on a Wheat Free Diet
G. Kamalanathan
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 264-264
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Current International Topics

Current International Topics
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 265-267
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News and Views

News and Views
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 268-270
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Current Literature Supplement

Current Literature Supplements
 Vol 4, No 3 (1967), Pagination: 67-91
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