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The Philippine teak forest (PTF) is a formation with the Endangered Tectona philippinensis Benth. & Hook. f., Lamiaceae – an endemic tree flora in the Batangas Province along the Verde Island Passage, Luzon Island, Philippines. In this study, we determine the general floristic composition of PTF. Vegetation anal-ysis across coastal to inland continuum generated the data for general floristic richness, growth structure and diversity indices. A total of 128 species under 111 genera in 48 families was recorded with overall plant diversity of very low to moderate (Shannon–Wiener: 0.8675–2.681). Plant life based on morpho-species was composed of dominant trees (68 species), shrubs (5) and subshrubs (9), bush palm (1) and palm-like tree (1), lianas (7), epiphytic tree (1), semi-woody climbers (3), epiphytic and geophytic orchids (4), epiphytic and terrestrial ferns (5), annuals to erect succulent peren-nial herbs (9), herbaceous climbers and creepers (6), geophytic herbs and climber (1), low and tall grasses, including bamboo (5) and sedges (2). Such structural diversity is comprised of some of the unique botanical ensembles associated with endemic T. philippinensis in the coastal landscape.


Coastal Landscape, Epiphytes, Tectona philippinensis, Teak Forest.
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