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The decision support system (DSS), namely Design of Micro Irrigation Systems (DOMIS) has been developed to design drip, sprinkler and micro-sprinkler irrigation systems. This provides expert opinion for optimal layout plans for MI system design by using the necessary data on crops, soil characteristics, groundwater and agri-climatic conditions as default options with a provision to modify as preferred by the user. The design includes selection of pipe sizes, pumping system, filters and fertilizer application systems along with possible shifts per day in case of sprinkler irrigation system and total time of irrigation. The web-based system ( uses scientific algorithms and expert suggestions; the flexibility of DSS and ease of use make the DSSDOMIS a superior tool for designing micro-irrigation systems with a view to enhance water productivity in agriculture. It also provides general information about different Government schemes, central and state agencies promoting micro irrigation, approved system suppliers in different states and general information about different districts in the country. The DSS helps farmers as well as policy makers and researchers obtain optimal design and cost estimates of a micro-irrigation system.


Decision Support System, DOMIS, Microirrigation Software, Micro-irrigation System Design, Precision Farming Software.
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