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Narayana Rao, M.

  • Studies on the Effects of Protein Depletion and of Realimentation with Diets Containing Different Levels of Peanut Protein or Casein on the Composition of Liver, Muscle and Body of Young Albino Rats

  • The Supplementarv Value of Low-Fat Groundnut Flour and Groundnut Protein Isolate Fortified with Certain Vitamins and Calcium to Poor Vegetarian Rice Diet

  • Studies on a Processed Protein Food Based on a Blend of Groundnut Flour and Full-Fat Soya Flour fortified with Essential Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals

  • The Effect of Supplementing Raw Soya Bean Meal Proteins with DL-Methionine Hydroxy Analogue (MHA) or DL-Methionine on Protein Efficiency Ratio and Net Protein Utilisation in Albino Rats

  • Studies on a Processed Protein Food Based on a Blend of Groundnut Flour and Full-Fat Soya Flour fortified with Essential Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals V. Effect of Supplementary Protein Food on the Metabolism of Nitrogen, Calcium and Phosphorus in Undernourished Children Subsisting on a Rice

  • Supplementary Value of a Processed Protein Food Based on a Blend of Coconut Meal, Groundnut Flour and Bengal Gram Flour to Poor Indian Diets Based on Different Cereals and Millets

  • Studies on a Processed Protein Food Based on a Blend of Groundnut Flour and Full-Fat Soya Flour Fortified with Essential Amtno Acids, Vitamins & Minerals VI. The Effect of a Supplementary Protein Food on the Digestibility Coefficient, Biological Value and Net Protein Utilisation of Poor Rice Die

  • Recent Developments. in the Production and Use of Processed Protein Foods in the Treatment and Prevention of Protein Malnutrition in Children

  • Essential Fatty Acids-Their Role in Nutrition

  • Third Dimensional Computations Using Non Linear Projection Methods in Spherical Projection Plane

  • Studies on Microatomised Protein Foods Based on Blends of Low Fat Groundnut, Soya Bean and Sesame Flours and Skim Milk Powder and fortified with Vitamins, Calcium Salts and Limiting Amino Acids IV. Supplementary Value of the Foods to Diets Based on Rice and Blends of Tapioca, Rice and Maize Flours

  • The Relative Efficacy of Protein Foods Based on Blends of Groundnut, Bengalgram, Soyabean and Sesame Flours and Fortified With Limiting Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals in Meeting the Protein Needs of Protein Depleted Albino Rats

  • Studies on Microatomised Protein Foods Based on Blends of Low Fat Groundnut, Soyabean and Sesame Flours and Skim Milk Powder and fortified with Vitamins, Calcium Salts and Limiting Amino Acids III. Efficiency in meeting the Protein Requirements of Protein Depleted Rats

  • Studies on Micro-Atomised Protein Foods Based on Blends of Low Fat Groundnut, Soya and Sesame Flours and Skim Milk Powder and fortified with Vitamins, Calcium Salts and Limiting Amino Acids I. Preparation, Chemical Composition and Shelf Life

  • Studies on Micro-Atomised Protein Foods Based on Blends of Low Fat Groundnut, Soya and Sesame Flours and Skim Milk Powder and fortified with Vitamins, Calcium Salts and Limiting Amino Acids II. Amino Acid Composition and Nutritive Value of the Proteins

  • The Metabolism of Nitrogen, Digestibility Coefficient and Biological Value of the Proteins and Net Protein Utilization in Children of a Protein Food Based on a Blend of Groundnut Bengalgram and Sesame Flours fortified with Dl-Methionine and L-Lysine

  • Effect of Supplementary Protein Food Based on a Blend of Groundnut, Bengal Gram and Sesame on the Retention of Nitrogen, Calcium and Phosphorus in Undernourished Children Subsisting on an Inadequate Diet

  • Studies on Processed Protein Foods Based on Blends of Groundnut, Bengalgram, Soyabean and Sesame Flours and fortified with Minerals and Vitamins 1. Preparation, Chemical Composition and Shelf Life

  • Studies on Processed Protein Foods Based on Blends of Groundnut, Bengal Gram, Soyabean and Sesame Flours and Fortified With Minerals and Vitamins III. Supplementary Value to a Poor Indian Kaffir Corn Diet

  • The Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Potato

  • Better World Environment through Engineering Education and Management

  • Technical Teachers Training