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Kannan, K.

  • Vesicular - Arbuscular Mycorridzae of Casuarina Equisetifolia forst. in Four Different Soil Types in Tamil Nadu

  • Radio Isotopes in Endocrinology

  • Brand Preference and Usage of Air Compressor in Coimbatore Textile Industry

  • Generic Modeling of Realistic Movement Pattern of Nodes in MANET

  • A Novel Approach to Image Denoising by Combining Neighshrink and Sureshrink in Wavelet Domain

  • Area Level Fusion of Multi-Focused Images Using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Packet Transform

  • Area level fusion of Multi-focused Images using Double Density DWT and DTCWT

  • Experimental and Computational Investigation of Drag Co-Efficient of a Commercial Car Model

  • Unsharp Masking of Medical Images using Rolling Guidance Filter

  • Laboratory Testing of Plant Originated Oils and Oil Cakes against the Fungal Pathogen Alternaria alternata - Causative Agent of Leaf Spot Disease in Aloe vera

  • In Vitro Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of Seed Extract of Solanum virginianum

  • Multifocus Image Fusion Using Cloud Model

  • Upshot of Derivatives on Spot Market Volatility - An Industry Specific Analysis on Indian Stock Market

  • A Statistical Sharpness Measure Based Multi Focus Image Fusion Using Double Density Discrete Wavelet Transform

  • Removal of Impulsive Noise Using Weighted Fuzzy Mean Filter Based on Cloud Model

  • Optimal Level of Decomposition of Stationary Wavelet Transform for Region Level Fusion of Multi-Focused Images

  • Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)-A Multipurpose Cover Crop for Hilly Regions

  • Analysis on the Performance of Bilateral Filters in Multi Focused Image Fusion

  • Application of Partial Differential Equations in Multi Focused Image Fusion

  • Multi focused Image Fusion using Fast Adaptive Bilateral Filter.

  • On the Performance of Histogram Equalization Techniques in Enhancement of Proton Density Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images