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Chaudhari, Shailesh A.
- A Font and Size Independent Ocr for Machine Printed Gujarati Numerals
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National Journal of System and Information Technology, Vol 3, No 1 (2010), Pagination: 70-78Abstract
Character recognition is major research area since its inspiration. So, far very limited progress has been made in it, specifically for Indian languages. Recognition of Gujarati script is a less studied area and no significant attempt is made so far to recognize Gujarati glyphs. In this paper we have presented a simple yet robust solution for recognition of offline multi-font computer generated and machine printed Gujarati Numerals. Pursued by the pre-processing techniques, we used a method called correlation based template matching where a numeral is identified by analyzing its shape and comparing its features that distinguish each numeral. The system appears to be very robust against font variations and large shape variations.Keywords
Template, Correlation, Segmentation, Normalization, Probability, etcReferences
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