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Buch, Sanjay H
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) - a Changing Landscape of an it Organization
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National Journal of System and Information Technology, Vol 3, No 2 (2010), Pagination: 204-219Abstract
EAI is really a backlash to traditional distributed computing. Now that generations of developers have built these automation islands of information and business processing, more users and business managers are demanding seamless bridges between them. While the business case is clear and easy to define, the task of implementing a solution is not. There is a change in the landscape from building stand-alone applications to building integrated applications that can take advantage of data and business processes from legacy systems. This paper will try to provide the background necessary to understand Enterprise Application Integration and the challenges customers face in moving towards an integrated solution.References
- PhD Thesis, Dr. Sanjay Buch, Titled as “Creation of Quality Data warehouse by setting Organization wise Quality Standards to Make the better Organizational Intelligence, 2003.
- 25+ year real life experience in Application and EAI
- Website of