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Patel, Foram
- Noise Detection and Reduction in Printed English Text
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1 Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management and Computer Application, Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, IN
2 Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management and Computer Application, IN
1 Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management and Computer Application, Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, IN
2 Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management and Computer Application, IN
National Journal of System and Information Technology, Vol 8, No 2 (2015), Pagination: 71-78Abstract
Printed character recognition has been one of the most interesting and challenging research areas in field of image processing and pattern recognition in the recent years. OCR has an improve efficiency and less computational cost, to use database recognize English character which is managed and very simple. It is digitizing process by handwritten or printed text that can be scanned electronically and used in. machine process. Its applying appropriate methods to scanned image and denoised image to obtain saved for further processing.Keywords
OCR, Relation, Scanned Images, Type Machine.References
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