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Bhatti, Dharmendra G.
- Challenges in Genetic Algorithm Based Intrusion Detection
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National Journal of System and Information Technology, Vol 4, No 1 (2011), Pagination: 109-116Abstract
Intrusion detection is the technique of detecting malicious traffic on a network or a device. It is one of the critical network security components against emerging intrusions techniques and attacks. In this paper we present a survey of different intrusion detection approaches. Intrusion Detection Systems based on Genetic Algorithm are currently attracting researchers due to its inherent potential. Intrusion detection faces various challenges like reliably detect malicious activity and perform efficiently to cope with the large amount of network traffic. Here we have analyzed the present research challenges and issues in Genetic Algorithm based intrusion detection. Finally we carry out our experiments based on our sample Genetic Algorithm using KDD Cup 99 data set. The main contribution of the implementation is the understanding of challenges in Genetic Algorithm based intrusion detection.Keywords
Security, Challenges, Genetic Algorithm, Intrusion DetectionReferences
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