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1 Pattimura University, Ambon, ID
International Journal of Education and Management Studies, Vol 3, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 153-160
The partnership between schools, families and communities becomes interesting theme to be discussed at this time because with the partnership; the performance of the schools can be improved. The objectives of this study are to identify the most important factors that influence the partnership of schools, parents, and communities, and what contribution can be given in order to increase school performance. Research methodology that has been used for this study is a case study, qualitative design. The locations of this study include 5 High Schools in Ambon, Maluku province with details: 2 private schools and 3 public schools. There are 35 informants participated as informants. They represent teachers, counselors, parents, school committees, alumni, principals and supervisors. Data was collected by using focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. The results of the study showed that the Partnership of schools, families and communities have started since the establishment of the school committee as parents and communities representation. Some real contribution has obtained by the school is the support funding (contributions) and contribution of physical facilities. The partnership is still faced with some serious problems such as feudalistic culture, misconceptions about the role, not good governance, free education campaigns and communication lame. So, it needs revitalizing the role and functions of the schools, parents and the communities, through the changes in system, structure, culture, human resource development, and the strengthen of communication and social networks to support school performance.
Partnership, School, Family, Community, Performance And Management