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Upadhayay, Rajshree
- Field Testing of Multimedia CD on Nutrition for Children (0-3 Years) for its Comprehension by Rural Women
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1 Department of Extension Education and Communication Management, College of Community and Applied Sciences, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan, IN
2 Department of Extension Education, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan, IN
3 Department of Extension Education and Communication Management,College of Community and Applied Sciences, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan, IN
1 Department of Extension Education and Communication Management, College of Community and Applied Sciences, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan, IN
2 Department of Extension Education, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan, IN
3 Department of Extension Education and Communication Management,College of Community and Applied Sciences, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan, IN
International Journal of Education and Management Studies, Vol 9, No 1 (2019), Pagination: 42-44Abstract
India still has the highest number of under-weight children under five in the world and 70 per cent of children are anemic. The link between malnutrition and infant feeding has been well established. Poor feeding practices in infant and early childhood resulting in malnutrition contribute to impaired cognitive and social development, poor school performance and reduced productivity in later life. A mother is the principle provider of the primary care that her child needs during the first five years of life. Nutritional awareness of mothers plays an important role in the health of children aged 0-5 years. The present study was undertaken to develop multimedia CD on nutrition for children (03 years) for rural women with these objectives: To assess the comprehension of designed multimedia CD by rural women. The study was conducted in Udaipur district of Rajsthan state with a sample of 30 illiterate rural women to field test multimedia CD for its comprehension by rural women. Findings revealed that overall comprehension of messages through multimedia CD was found to be very good with MPS 93.62. Among four components, the diet during childhood ailments was comprehended to the highest extent (99.021 MPS) followed by feeding practices (94.44 MPS), supplementary nutrition (89.97 MPS) andnormal nutrition (87.97 MPS). Thus, it could be concluded that comprehension of multimedia CD was found to be good and the developed multimedia CD can be utilized by the various government and non government functionaries involved in TOT.Keywords
Rural Women, Multimedia CD, Children (0-3 Years).References
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