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Alex, Zachariah C.
- Design of Compact Wideband Planar Antenna for Wireless Application
1 School of Electronics Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore-632014, TN, IN
2 School of Electronics Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore-14, TN, IN
Wireless Communication, Vol 2, No 3 (2010), Pagination: 66-69Abstract
The paper presents the design of ultra wideband antenna for wireless applications operating in the frequency range 4.816 GHz to 11.08 GHz with good radiation performance. The designed UWB antenna consists of three strips resonating at different frequencies and a microstrip feed line on one side of the FR4 substrate and partial ground plane on the other side. The impedance bandwidth of the antenna for VSWR ≤ 2 is 6.262 GHz with the maximum gain of 2.247 dBi. The radiation pattern in the elevation plane is figure of eight with beam width of 740 and in azimuthal plane it is Omni directional. The consistency of the pattern exists within the operating bandwidth. The transverse dimension of the antenna is 10 x 10.4 mm2 excluding the feed line. The designed antenna was simulated using IE3D software and tested using Network Analyzer. The proposed UWB antenna can be integrated with hand held devices and consumer Electronic Equipment for short range applications due to its compact nature.
Monopole, Multi Resonant Planar Antenna, UWB- Planner Metamaterial Antenna for Millimeter Wave Application Using Microstrip Feed
1 Degree from VIT University Vellore, IN
2 School of Electronics Engineering, (SENSE) VIT University Vellore, IN
Programmable Device Circuits and Systems, Vol 2, No 8 (2010), Pagination: 99-101Abstract
In this paper a planner structure of millimeter wave antenna comprising split rings combined with thin strip is proposed. This proposed structure is for millimeter wave applications and it is also showing metamaterial characteristics. This antenna provides a narrow band width of 2 GHz i.e. 59.47 to 62 GHz with a gain sufficient for high speed WPAN, WLAN applications. These structures are simulated using IE3D simulator tool of Zeland Corporation.Keywords
Split Ring Resonators, Metamaterial, Millimeter Wave, Left Handed Media, Negative Permeability, Negative Permittivity.- Real Time Analysis of Wireless Controller Area Network
1 School of Electronics Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, IN
2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IN