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Santhi, V.
- Solar Energy Survey-An Analysis
1 Department of Humanities, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, IN
2 Robert Bosch, Coimbatore, IN
3 OvGU Magdeburg, DE
HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 1, No 2 (2014), Pagination: 99-105Abstract
The solar energy in India can complement the existing energy resources to a certain extent as they form one of the best energy resources. There are numerous applications of solar panels such as, urban planning and architecture, agriculture and horticulture, transport and reconnaissance, water treatment, heating, cooling and ventilation, cooking, photovoltaic and fuel production [1]. Hence an analysis has been made in this paper to read the mindset of people who have employed the solar panels at their households and work arena, and to project the relationship between their likeliness towards this renewable energy and other factors of general attention. Further, extending this survey to the entire nation would be a milestone in the performance analysis of the state of solar energy in India, since the country is in a bare necessity to go in for alternative renewable energy resources.Keywords
Bio-Waste Integration, Power Generating Sources, Renewable Energy, State of Charge.References
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- Collision of Green Employee Engagement and Green Human Resource Management in Employee’s Productivity
1 Associate Professor and Head, Department of Humanities, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore – 641004, Tamil Nadu, IN
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore - 641004, Tamil Nadu, IN
HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 8, No 1 (2021), Pagination: 27-32Abstract
The environment of the world plays a dominant role in the entire wellbeing of the nation. Now-a-days, due to emergence of huge number of industries and tremendous change in the life style of people, the global environment faces a big challenge. In order to overcome the negative impact of pollution, green aspect in almost all the fields is emerging. The green initiatives undertaken by the countries have created awareness among the public and its implementation has become mandatory amidst the prevailing global environmental concern. Traditionally, most of the industries followed the green initiatives driven by laws and regulations. But, the situation has seen a drastic change from control to prevention. The information technology industry is not an exception. In this regard, the present study focuses on analyzing the impact of Green Employee Engagement and Green Human Resource Management on employees’ productivity in IT companies in Coimbatore district. By employing simple random sampling technique, data has been collected from 150 employees working in various IT companies in the study area. Various statistical tools namely simple percentage analysis, chi-square test and multiple regression analysis have been employed for analysis. It was found that the Green Employee Engagement and Green Human Resource Management has a significant impact on employees’ productivity.Keywords
Green Employee Engagement, Green Human Resource Management and Green Initiatives.References
- Darnall N, Henriques I, Sadorsky P. Do Environmental Management Systems Improve Business Performance in an International Setting Journal of International Management. 2008; 14(4):364–376. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intman.2007.09.006
- Sengupta M, Sengupta N. Green HRM: A Tool for Organizational Sustainability. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences, Kolkata. 2015; 1–11. www.globalbizresearch.org
- Ruchismita P, Shitij R, Sharma P, Yadav V. Green HR: Analysis of Sustainable Practices Incorporated by IT Firms in India. SIMS Journal of Management Research. 2015; 1:12–17.
- Region of Non-Interest Based Digital Image Watermarking Using Neural Networks
1 School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, IN
ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing, Vol 2, No 2 (2011), Pagination: 287-293Abstract
Copyrights protection of digital data become inevitable in current world. Digital watermarks have been recently proposed as secured scheme for copyright protection, authentication, source tracking, and broadcast monitoring of video, audio, text data and digital images. In this paper a method to embed a watermark in region of non-interest (RONI) and a method for adaptive calculation of strength factor using neural network are proposed. The embedding and extraction processes are carried out in the transform domain by using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Finally, the algorithm robustness is tested against noise addition attacks and geometric distortion attacks. The results authenticate that the proposed watermarking algorithm does not degrade the quality of cover image as the watermark is inserted only in region of non-interest and is resistive to attacks.Keywords
Digital Watermarking, Invisible Watermarking, Neural Networks Based Watermarking Technique, Transform Domain Watermarking, Region of Non-Interest Based Watermarking.- A Robust Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Using DNA Sequences
1 School of Computing Sciences and Engineering, VIT University, Tamil Nadu, IN
ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing, Vol 1, No 2 (2010), Pagination: 116-123Abstract
Digital watermarking technique emerged as a tool for protecting the multimedia data from copyright infringement. In digital watermarking an imperceptible signal is embedded into the host image, which uniquely identifies the ownership. In the proposed algorithms, DNA sequence is used as a digital watermark, as the DNA sequences are unique and difficult to copy. This paper proposes two algorithms namely content based watermark algorithm using DNA sequence (CBDNA) and user specified watermark algorithm using DNA sequence (USDNA). In CBDNA the DNA sequence is generated from the cover data itself whereas in USDNA input data is chosen by the user and DNA sequence is generated based on the input data. These DNA sequences serve as a watermark for the cover data. The quality of the cover image and extracted watermark is measured using peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and normalized correlation (NC) respectively. The calculated values are tabulated and it shows that the proposed algorithm is withstanding many attacks, since watermark is available in all the frequency range of cover data.Keywords
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Content Based Watermarking Algorithm Using DNA Sequence (CBDNA), User Specified Watermarking DNA sequence (USDNA).- An Empirical Study on Measuring the Association between Job Status of Individuals and their Current Financial Condition
1 Department of Humanities, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, IN
2 Department of Commerce, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, IN
3 Management Development Institute of Singapore, SG
HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 3, No 2 (2016), Pagination: 80-86Abstract
Job status of individuals is generally applied as a determinant in measuring their financial status. The job is linked with the salary earned by an individual, who is a part of any family household. This study aims to measure the association that prevails between job status of individuals and their current financial condition. The study confirms the fact that, influences of job on the employees' including private sector workers' life-style and socio-economic status are more related to emotional feel. The study suggests that wise investment pattern and strategic financial planning can support both self-employed persons and employees working in either public or private sectors in enhancing their current financial conditions.Keywords
Financial Conditions, Financial Literacy Level, Financial Status, Job Status.References
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- Calendar Anomalies:Before and After the Global Financial Crisis in Emerging BRIC Stock Markets
1 Department of Humanities, PSG College of Technologies, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, IN
2 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, OVGU Magdeburg, DE
HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 4, No 1 (2017), Pagination: 26-30Abstract
The legal and operational changes in the capital market operation of BRIC nations and availability of information at low cost and some time with no cost influenced the efficiency of capital market in the recent past. In order to identify the calendar anomalies, the present study examine the day of the week effect in the developing stock market of BRIC. The study period has been classified into three sub-periods as pre-financial crisis period (i.e., 1st January 2000 to 31st December 2007), during the financial crisis (1st January 2008 to 31st December 2009) and post financial crisis period (1st January 2010 to 31st December 2016). The dummy variable regression result evidenced that after the financial crisis period BRIC capital markets reached the efficient stage where day of the week trading rules lose the ground to earn the abnormal return. This can be attributed to recent changes in the capital market regulations and strict vigilance of the stock market watch dogs in these countries.Keywords
Calendar Anomalies, Day-of-the-Week Effect, Dummy Variable Regression, BRIC.References
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- Goods and Services Tax:Impacts and Challenges
1 PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, IN
2 Department of Humanities, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, IN
3 Business Management, University of Hull, GB
HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 4, No 2 (2017), Pagination: 94-99Abstract
Manufacturing and service sector play a pivotal role in shaping the overall economic growth of a country. Goods and Services Tax will test the technological readiness of the GST network, which will be used by almost 10 million entities, including those who are currently paying service tax, value added tax and central excise. These entities have multiple users and agents operating on their behalf, so that the network has a high USER base. It is estimated that about 3 billion invoices are uploaded on GSTN every month. This reviewed article on GST makes an attempt to capture its impact during first four months (1st July to 31st October, 2017) on different manufacturers and service providers, the consumers and the government since its implementation on 1st July, 2017.Keywords
Goods and Services Tax, Indirect Tax, Service tax, Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), Tax Collection at Source (TCS), Value Added Tax.References
- Nath B. Goods and services tax: A milestone in Indian economy. International Journal of Applied Research. 2017; 3(3):699–702.
- Prajapati HK. Goods and Service Tax (GST) and its outcome in India. Journal of Madhya Pradesh Economic Association. 2017 Feb; 27(1).
- Kumar R. Impact of Goods and Service Tax (GST) on Indian Economy. Business and Economics Journal.
- Lourdunathan F, Xavier P. Goods and Service Tax in India: The Developments and Challenges in implementation. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences. 2017 Jul; 7(7).
- Khurana A, Sharma A. Goods and services tax in India -A positive reform for indirect tax system. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2016; 4(3):500–5.
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- Pinki SK, Verma R. Issues and Challenges of GST in India. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review. 2016 Apr; 1(4):228–33.
- Vasanthagopal R. GST in India: A Big Leap in the Indirect Taxation System. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance. 2011 Apr; 2(2).
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- Ibid.
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- A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Protocol on Care of Newborn in Phototherapy on Knowledge and Practice among Nurses at Selected Hospitals in South India
1 Lecturer, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research (DU), Porur, Chennai, IN
2 Lecturer Faculty of Nursing, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research (DU), Porur, Chennai, IN
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol 11, No 1 (2020), Pagination: 715-720Abstract
Background: The present study assess the Effectiveness of Protocol on Care of Newborn in Phototherapy on Knowledge and Practice among Nurses at Selected Hospitals in South India
Method and Material: A pre-experimental one group pre and post test study design was used to collect all the necessary and relevant data from nurses. The study was conducted in the maternity ward and phototherapy unit of two hospitals. Based on inclusion criteria 50 nurses were selected and non probability convenient sampling techniques were used.
Results: In pre test level of knowledge of nurses regarding care of newborn in phototherapy, 17 (34%) had inadequate knowledge, 19 (38%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 14 (28%) had adequate knowledge. In post test majority of 44(88%) had adequate knowledge, 6 (12%) had moderately adequate knowledge and no one had inadequate knowledge. The improved mean value for knowledge was 10.43 with “t” value of 13.47 and improved mean value for practice was 6.78 with “t” value of 17.26. This results shows the high statistical significance at p<0.001.
Conclusion: The study concludes that there was a significantly improvement of knowledge and practicable in post test after administration of protocol. Thus protocol was observed to an effective tool to improve the knowledge and practice on care of newborn in phototherapy and it may be useful to implement future reference.
Protocol, Nurses, Newborn, Knowledge, Practice, Hospital and South India.- A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Protocol on Care of Newborn in Phototherapy on Knowledge and Practice among Nurses at Selected Hospitals in South India
1 Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research(DU), Porur, Chennai, IN
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol 11, No 2 (2020), Pagination: 64-69Abstract
Background: The present study assess the Effectiveness of Protocol on Care of Newborn in Phototherapy on Knowledge and Practice among Nurses at Selected Hospitals in South India
Method and Material: A pr-experimental one group pre and post test study design was used to collect all the necessary and relevant data from nurses. The study was conducted in the maternity ward and phototherapy unit of two hospitals. Based on inclusion criteria 50 nurses were selected and non probability convenient sampling techniques were used.
Results: In pre test level of knowledge of nurses regarding care of newborn in phototherapy, 17 (34%) had inadequate knowledge, 19 (38%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 14 (28%) had adequate knowledge. In post test majority of 44(88%) had adequate knowledge, 6 (12%) had moderately adequate knowledge and no one had inadequate knowledge. The improved mean value for knowledge was 10.43 with “t” value of 13.47 and improved mean value for practice was 6.78 with “t” value of 17.26. This results shows the high statistical significance at p<0.001.
Conclusion: The study concludes that there was a significantly improvement of knowledge and practicable in post test after administration of protocol. Thus protocol was observed to an effective tool to improve the knowledge and practice on care of newborn in phototherapy and it may be useful to implement future reference.
Protocol, Nurses, Newborn, Knowledge, Practice, Hospital and South India.- An Empirical Investigation of the Rural-Urban Divide of Health Parameters in Tamil Nadu
1 Department of Humanities, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore - 641004, Tamil Nadu, IN
HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 10, No 1 (2023), Pagination: 18-23Abstract
The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on "Good Health and Well-being" holds the nucleus place of the study, which aims to ensure healthy life and promotion of well-being for all lives. Equal status in health care is considered as the main long-term principle of health policy in India which satisfies the need of poor and underprivileged people. The equity of health parameters is best achieved with the assessment and direction of all the states of India working towards the same. In this aspect, the present study analyses the state-level disparities in health parameters on various dimensions. The rural-urban disparity in health is a common challenge for all the states of India and hence, the study assessed the extent of rural-urban disparity in the vital healthcare parameters in the state of Tamil Nadu, as observed by the data of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS 1, 2, 3 and 4). The disparity index calculated with the NFHS statistics on the achievements with regard to total fertility rate, crude birth rate, infant mortality rate, and child mortality rate, the rural population is at a greater disadvantage than the urban population in the case of Tamil Nadu. This calls for proper and adequate consideration by health officials to ensure equity in health care to achieve the SDG and the millennium development goals that will enable Tamil Nadu to achieve sustainable development over the long run.Keywords
Health, Inequality, Rural-Urban Divide and Sustainable Development GoalsReferences
- National Family Health Survey Report, 1992-1993, IIPS, Mumbai, India. http://rchiips.org/nfhs/NFHS-1Report.shtml
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- National Family Health Survey, 2015-2016, IIPS, Mumbai, India. http://rchiips.org/nfhs/NFHS-4Report.shtml
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