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Singh, Sujan

  • Studies on Foliage Dieses of Poplars

  • Rolling of Logs in Felling Coupes: a Potential Disease Hazard in Coniferous Forests

  • Brown Root-rot of Poplars

  • Relative Resistance of Pines to Cercoseptoria Needle Blight in India

  • Diseases and Deterioration of Bamboos in India

  • Two New Species and some Noteworthy Records on Fungi on Indian Conifers

  • Effect of Fungicide Treatment of Soil on Mycorrhizal Development in Pines

  • Forest Pathology in India: Problems and Control Strategies

  • Gummosis, Brown Spot and Seedling Mortality in Su-babul I. Disease Incidence and Pathology of the Host

  • Control of Cercoseptoria Needle Blight of Pines in Nurseries by Fungicides

  • Some New and Noteworthy Diseases of Poplars in India

  • Status of Melamipsora Rusts on Poplars in India

  • Gummosis, Brown Spot and Seedling Mortality in Su-babul 2. Epidemiology and Control of the Disease

  • cercospora Needle Blight: a Potential Threat to Indigenous Pines in India

  • Mortality of Exotic Pines in Plantation in India

  • Gummosis and Canker in Cashew (anacardium occidentale Linn.)

  • Diseases of Plantation Trees in Fiji Islands I Brown Root Rot of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King)

  • Studies on Pink Disease of Eucalyptus

  • Protection of Sal Seeds in Storage against Moulds

  • Twig Blight and Pod Blackening of Cacao (Thkobroma cacao Linn.)

  • Wilt Disease of Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.)

  • New and Noteworthy Diseases of Trees in India - Diseases due to Polyporus tulipiferae, Hypoxylon ustulatum and Polyporus rubidus

  • Root Diseases of Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.)

  • A Note on Decay Resistance of Teak, Shisham and Khair

  • Fungus Flora of South Andamans

  • New and Noteworthy Records of some Mildews and Rusts on Indian Trees

  • Root Diseases of Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.) VII. Physiological Studies on the Wilt Organism, Fursarium Solani

  • Root Diseases of Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.)

  • Mortality of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.

  • Notes on Some Indian Tree Rusts

  • Field Survey of Mycorrhiza in Eucalypts and Pines

  • A New Root Rot Disease Complex in Teak

  • Anthracnose Disease of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.)its Cause, Epidemiology and Control

  • A Preliminary Note on Mycorrhiza formation in Chir Pine on Sand at Different N, P, K Levels

  • Natural Decay Resistance of Indian Timbers-v. Decay Resistance of Haldu (Adina cordifolia Hook.f.), Salai (Boswellia serrata Roxb), Walnut (Juglans regia Linn.), Mango (Mangifera Indica Linn.) and Bahera (Terminalia bellirica Roxb.)

  • Khair Seedling Mortality in Plantations

  • Dothistroma blight - a Potential Threat to Pinus radiata Plantations in India

  • Natural Decay Resistance of Indian Timbers I. Introduction and Method, II. Decay Resistance of Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.) and Teak (Tectona grandis L.f)

  • Disease Situation in Indian forests. I. Stem Diseases of Some Exotics Due to Cortlcium Salmonlcolor & Monochaetia unicornis

  • Role of a Precursor Fungus in Decay in Standing Teak

  • Susceptibility of Exotic Pines to Cronartium himalayense

  • Decay in Relation to Management of Dry Coppice Teak Forests