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Majumdar, Shuvadeep
- Publication of Nomenclatural Novelties
Abstract Views :430 |
PDF Views:153
1 Botanical Survey of India, P.O. Botanic Garden, Howrah 711 103, IN
1 Botanical Survey of India, P.O. Botanic Garden, Howrah 711 103, IN
Current Science, Vol 111, No 3 (2016), Pagination: 454-454Abstract
A protologue is 'everything associated with a name at its valid publication, e.g. description, diagnosis, illustrations, references, synonymy, geographical data, citation of specimens, discussion, and comments'. Therefore, without consulting a protologue it is difficult to arrive at a particular conclusion on the identity of a taxon.- Udaria-A New Liverwort Genus of Lophocoleaceae from Eastern Himalaya, India
Abstract Views :449 |
PDF Views:164
1 Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata 700 064, IN
2 Botanical Survey of India, Central National Herbarium, Howrah 711 103, IN
1 Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata 700 064, IN
2 Botanical Survey of India, Central National Herbarium, Howrah 711 103, IN
Current Science, Vol 115, No 8 (2018), Pagination: 1536-1542Abstract
A new genus and species of liverwort, Udaria lamellicaulis gen. & sp. nov., referable to the family Lophocoleaceae is described from Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim in Eastern Himalaya, India. The new taxon can be easily differentiated from hitherto all the known genera of the family in the presence of longitudinal, 1-12 cells high seriately arranged lamelliform strips on the surface of stem, leaves and female bracts, striolate-rugulose leaf cuticle, rhizoids arising from the lamina of underleaves, gynoecia with 1-2 subfloral innovations and gemmiparous female bracts and bracteoles.Keywords
Bryophytes, Eastern Himalaya, Liverwort, Marchantiophyta, New Genus and Species, Udaria lamellicaulis.References
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- Saccogyna Darjeelingensis (saccogynaceae: Marchantiophyta) – A New Species from Eastern Himalaya, India with a New Generic Record for Indian Bryoflora
Abstract Views :462 |
PDF Views:197
1 Botanical Survey of India, Sikkim Himalayan Regional Centre, Gangtok 737 103, IN
2 Department of Botany, Parimal Mitra Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Mal, Jalpaiguri 735 221, IN
1 Botanical Survey of India, Sikkim Himalayan Regional Centre, Gangtok 737 103, IN
2 Department of Botany, Parimal Mitra Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Mal, Jalpaiguri 735 221, IN
Current Science, Vol 123, No 2 (2022), Pagination: 145-147Abstract
No abstract.Keywords
No keywords.References
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