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Sharma, Shivam
- Low-Cost Sensors for Monitoring Water Resources
Abstract Views :317 |
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1 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and Kritsnam Technologies, Kanpur 208 016, IN
1 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and Kritsnam Technologies, Kanpur 208 016, IN
Current Science, Vol 117, No 4 (2019), Pagination: 547-548Abstract
On 19 June 2019, ‘Day Zero’ was declared in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The four main water reservoirs had cracked open with dryness – there was no water left in the city. The news shocked and surprised many because as late as 2015, Chennai was flooded and more than 300 lives were lost. These flood and drought disasters in the city did not occur suddenly; rather they happened gradually through depleting groundwater, drying rivers and vanishing wetlands, much like a predator closing in, openly visible, yet invisible by its apparent quiescence.- Synthesis of Steam Through Parabolic Trough Collector - A Review
Abstract Views :237 |
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1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.B.M Engineering College, J.N.V University, Jodhpur, IN
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.B.M Engineering College, J.N.V University, Jodhpur, IN
Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol 19, No 3-4 (2020), Pagination: 21-27Abstract
From the early days of ancient Egyptians, human has known the power of the Sun. Solar energy is innocuous, and due to increasing enervation of fossil fuels, it has become essential for having alternate sources of energy. Over the years, researchers and technocrats have advanced in the technology of converting solar energy, obtained from sunshine to heat energy. This paper reviews the practical development of solar steam generation system through Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC), using concentrated solar power, and making all this happen in an economically feasible way. This paper reviews the design, construction, and optical proficiency of Solar Parabolic Trough Concentrator (PTC) with different reflector surfaces.Keywords
Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC), Steam Generation System, Concentrated Solar Power (CSP).References
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- Augmented Reality in Educational Environments: A Systematic Review
Abstract Views :170 |
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1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, IN
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, IN
3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, IN
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, IN
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, IN
3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, IN
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Vol 36, No 2 (2022), Pagination: 8-19Abstract
This study focuses on the emerging technologies used in Augmented Reality (AR) and their role in the field of education. With this aim, 70 articles gathered from Scopus, Science Direct, Springer, Taylor Francis, and Web of science databases were examined. Analysis showed that the number of AR articles in educational environments have gradually increased over the years. AR is being most commonly used in science education (biology, physics and chemistry). The literature also highlights various advantages of AR when used in learning environments. It has been understood that the AR is an imminent learning tool and is lately gaining recognition and acceptance in the educational field. While marker-based AR was the key in most of the articles, it was implemented using mobile devices. The literature revealed that most articles examined their results using Quantitative methods. Our article emphasizes on the impact of AR in education, current technologies and its future scope. This paper also provides detailed analysis of the use of AR in engineering education highlighting that the most of the articles highlighted the use of marker-based AR, used non-probability sampling strategy and applied mixed method for analysis. The findings of this study would help other researchers to identify potential direction for future research.Keywords
Augmented Reality, Education, Interactive Learning Environment, Technologies of Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Integration.References
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