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Malekar, Shamira
- An Empirical Study of Employee Satisfaction in Textile Industries
1 Student, Aruna Manharlal Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai
2 Assistant Professor, Aruna Manharlal Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai
Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Vol 1, No 1 (2012), Pagination: 38-48Abstract
The main objective of the exploratory study reported in this paper on employee satisfaction was to examine the level of satisfaction of the respondent regarding their job. The survey focuses on employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Employee satisfaction has a major influence on human performance through its impact on individual motivation and job satisfaction. Individual in the organization have certain expectations and fulfillment of these expectations depends upon their perceptions as to how the employee satisfactions suits to the satisfaction of their needs. Structured questionnaires were given to employees of organization. A total of 80 questionnaires were analyzed and the findings indicate that employee satisfaction can lead to the overall growth of organization.Keywords
Employee Satisfaction, Employee Retention, Employee Attrition, Job Satisfaction, Employee Turnover, EmployeeReferences
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- Emotional Intelligence-Self Awareness
Review of Professional Management- A Journal of New Delhi Institute of Management, Vol 5, No 2 (2007), Pagination: 46-56Abstract
Self-awareness is the building block to which all elements of Emotional Intelligence are built upon. It is important to gain a full understanding of our emotions and how they relate to others in order to effectively make decisions both in and out of the workplace. By developing self-awareness, one will be more prepared to make decisions that will not only increase one's emotional satisfaction, but also the satisfaction of the people one interacts with.
Emotional intelligence is based on the idea that one must first become aware of our emotions before one is able to alter one's behavior for better results. Studies show that managers who maintain a high level of self-awareness posses more aspects of EQ and are therefore rated as more effective by both superiors and subordinates than those who are not self-aware. Knowledge about the nature of one's personality is vital to making sound decisions. In other words, its the ability to take a step back from the situation to become aware of what's happening rather than become immersed in it and loose control.
Self-awareness is not getting carried away with emotions, but rather objectively identifying them in order to take control of the subsequent actions resulting from these emotions. By acknowledging our emotions, one can manage them, deal with them and then move on. This is very difficult for some people to do. It is much easier at times to just ignore, deny or rationalize your emotions. It is crucial, however, for us to develop an understanding of what we are feeling in order to use our emotions intelligently.
This paper emphasizes on comparing the three gurus on their views of Self Awareness and also finding the similarities of their views on the topic.
- An Empirical Study on Spiritual Leadership
1 Aruna Manharlal Shah Institute of Management and Research (AMSIMR) Mumbai, IN
2 Aruna Manharlal Shah Institute of Management and Research, Ghatkopar, IN
Indira Management Review, Vol 5, No 2 (2011), Pagination: 43-56Abstract
Incorporating spirituality in leadership leads to greater perceptions of trust and organizational support and commitment among employees, which could have positive effects on organizational performance from the perspective of the organization, Spiritual leadership is driven by combination of factors. This paper aims at identifying the key factors that drive spiritual leadership (SL) in individuals. The research design consists of a survey utilizing simple random sampling, involving 209 individuals in the age group of 18-50 years. Relevant statistical analyses have been demonstrated to signify important findings. The degree of association of SL with the determinants is calculated along with constructing a regression equation to measure SL. The analyses bring out the strength of determining factors significantly contributing to the measure of SL, and clustering to establish homogeneity within the sample. There is no spiritual difference between male and female, according to the T-test hypothesis analysis on gender. This research is useful in providing feedbacks to policy makers, administrators and prospective employers and has the potential to understand the level of spirituality and work on its improvisation.Keywords
Spiritual Leadership, Leadership in Organization.- Spiritual Leadership:A Study on Four Spiritual Leaders
1 Aruna Manharlal Shah's Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, IN
Indira Management Review, Vol 4, No 2 (2010), Pagination: 67-80Abstract
When one thinks of leadership, the most common thing that comes to one s mind is a military officer giving orders and closely supervising so that work gets done. This aspect can be a part of leadership but they are not the essence of Spiritual leadership. Spiritual leadership is basically Servant leadership' as it involves humbling oneself and doing tasks that no one else wants to do. Spiritual leadership has a humility, service and integrity as its basic components. People follow a spiritual leader since he serves alongside them by setting an example. Also people cannot follow a leader whom they do not respect, wherein the importance of integrity comes into play. A lot of study has been done on Jesus as a spiritual leader; hence in this study emphasis has been placed on f^oses, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhans, Swami Vivekananda and Swami Bhashyanandaji. This report emphasizes on the contributions made by the above mentioned four leaders. A set of attributes of spiritual leadership has been identified from the literature and all the four leaders have been evaluated on that basis. In this paper, the intention is to:
1. Describe Spiritual Leadership,
2. Understand the various attributes of Spiritual Leadership,
3. Compare the four Spiritual Leaders understudy based on the attributes.
Leadership, Spirituality, Managerial Development.- Emotional Intelligence-Stress Tolerance
1 Institute for Technology and Management, Navi Mumbai, IN
2 ITM Group of Institutions, Navi Mumbai, IN