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Shrestha, Sangam
- Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Diversion from the Bago River to the Moeyingyi Wetland, Myanmar
Abstract Views :609 |
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1 Water Engineering and Management, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
2 Agricultural Systems and Engineering, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120,, TH
1 Water Engineering and Management, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
2 Agricultural Systems and Engineering, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120,, TH
Current Science, Vol 112, No 02 (2017), Pagination: 377-384Abstract
Originally built for flood control, the Moeyingyi wetland, Myanmar now provides valuable resources such as fishery, irrigation water and tourism, and is also home to many rare species and migratory birds. This is the only wetland in Myanmar listed as a Ramsar Site. Bias-corrected climate data from three general circulation models under two emission scenarios of IPCC Assessment Report 5 (AR5), namely RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 were used to forecast temperature and rainfall. Future climate scenarios were predicted for three future periods as 2020s (2021-30), 2030s (2031- 40) and 2040s (2041-50). The Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was used for hydrological analysis to predict water availability. Analysis suggests that the discharge is expected to decrease during dry season, which can have a negative impact on the diversion of water from the Bago River to the Moeyingyi wetland. On the other hand, discharge is likely to increase during July and can further worsen the recurring floods. Similarly, inflow at the Moeyingyi wetland is expected to decrease in future. Hence, robust adaptation strategies should be formulated to cope with the negative impact of climate change.Keywords
Climate Change, Hydrological Analysis, Water Diversion, Wetlands.- Projection of Climate Change Scenarios in the Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan
Abstract Views :414 |
PDF Views:153
1 Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
2 Department of Information and Communication Technologies, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
1 Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
2 Department of Information and Communication Technologies, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
Current Science, Vol 114, No 06 (2018), Pagination: 1304-1310Abstract
This study was conducted to examine the changes in future temperature and precipitation of the Kabul River Basin in Afghanistan by using the outputs of three general circulation models (GCMs) under two representative concentration pathway (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) scenarios. Future climate data for temperature and precipitation obtained from climate models were bias corrected using the delta change approach. Maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation were projected for three future periods: 2020s, 2050s and 2080s against the baseline period of 1961–1980. The mean annual temperature in the basin is projected to increase by 1.8°C, 3.5°C and 4.8°C by the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s respectively. The mean annual precipitation is projected to increase whereas monthly precipitation is expected to increase and decrease according to the months for the whole river basin, under both scenarios, by 2100.Keywords
Climate Change, Kabul River Basin, RCPs, Temperature, Precipitation.References
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- Projections of Extreme Precipitation Events under Climate Change Scenarios in Mahaweli River Basin of Sri Lanka
Abstract Views :468 |
PDF Views:194
1 Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
2 Department of Food, Agriculture and Bioresources, School of Environment Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
1 Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
2 Department of Food, Agriculture and Bioresources, School of Environment Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani 12120, TH
Current Science, Vol 114, No 07 (2018), Pagination: 1495-1509Abstract
The future changes in rainfall pattern in the Mahaweli River Basin of Sri Lanka using three general circulation models under two representative concentration pathways were assessed. The projections showed that consecutive dry days will decrease, consecutive wet days and annual total precipitation in wet days will increase, the monthly maximum consecutive five-day precipitation will generally decrease, and annual rainfall will increase except for the first inter-monsoon. The projections of the heavy rainfall varied according to the time periods and climate zones. The present results can help policy makers to optimize the use of water resources considering future climate change.Keywords
Bias Correction, Climate Change, Extreme Precipitation, GCMs, Rainfall, RCPs.References
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