A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Singh, Sanat
- The Effects of Pipe Curenium Bromide on Pulse Rate and Blood Pressure
1 Govt. Medical College, Dept. of Anesthesia1, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 4 (2011), Pagination: 154-157Abstract
On analysis of the collected data, it has been revealed that in study group, there was rise, fall and no change in pulse rate of 56.66, 11.66 and 31.66% patients in comparison to 84.0, 12.0 and only 4.0 patients of control group respectively. Regarding effect on B.P. of study group in comparison to control group, a significant difference in fall of B.P. was noted, regarding increase in B.P., the difference found statistically insignificant. Thus Pipe curenium bromide has been found to be cardiovascular stable muscle relaxant.Keywords
Pulse Rate, Blood Pressure.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March - April 2010; 201-202.
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- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol. - 2, No. - 3 & 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B.(2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol. - 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- Hospital Stay of Patient: Supracondylar and Intercondylar Fractures of the Distal Femur
1 Department of Orthopedic, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) - 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)-494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 2 (2012), Pagination: 108-110Abstract
Background: Over all, India reported 418 accidental deaths a day in 2009 an increased by 7.3 % compared to 2008 as per National Crime Records Bureau's annual report of deaths and suicides across the country. Objective: To assesstime taken from accident to discharge from the hospital. Study Design: Cross sectional Setting: Indoor Orthopedic and ward of a tertiary hospital. Sample Size: Thirty patients of both sexes of the fracture of lower femur (supracondyler and intercondyler) admitted in a tertiary hospital. Statistical Analysis: Simple proportion. Findings: 36.66% of patients were operated on or before five days of accident, only 13.33% patients were operated after two weeks this may because of the associated injury or medical complications like diabetes and/or hypertension, 50% of the patients discharge from the hospital on or before seven days of the operation, only 6.7% patients took more than 35 days in their discharge. Conclusion: there is an urgent need to conduct Continuous Medical Education (C.M.E) all concerned on "rational use of drugs "to put a full stop on development of resistance against the drugs otherwise patients have to suffer a lot and the treatment will be beyond the reach of the most of the patients which ultimately harm all concerned irrespective of caste, creed, colour, religion, profession rich or poor.Keywords
Rational Use of Drugs, Superbug, Resistance.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March - April 2010; 201-202.
- Seinsheimer , Frank III - Fracture of the distal Femur; Clin. Ortho; 153:169 -179:1980.
- Fairbank, T. J. - Condylar fractures of the knee joint, Surg. Gynaec. and Obst. 57; 658-667, 1933.
- Superbug highlights need for antibiotics policy; The Times of India, New Delhi, Tuesday, 17th August, 2010; pp-07.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol.– 2, No.– 3 and 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K.; Health of the Tribal and Non Tribal Elderly; Souvenir International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Meeting of Board of Trustees and Conference; 2-7 April, 2000, Mysore, India; pp-113.
- Epidemiological Profile of Fractures of Lower Femur Patients
1 Department of Orthopedic, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)-494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)-494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 1 (2012), Pagination: 34-36Abstract
Back ground: Knee joint is highly complicated mechanism composed of a wide variety of specialized connective tissue which have to at one and the same time bear weight but resist considerably shearing and angulations stresses, posses mobility without loss of stability, avoid fatigue but act as a powerful unit for propulsion. Objective: To analysis the factors responsible for the fracture. Material and Methods: Data of thirty patients admitted in a medical college hospital was collected in a pre-designed proforma. Variables: include - age, sex, profession, Type of accidents, side of involvement, and associated injuries if any. Statistical analysis: expressed in terms of simple proportion and ratio. Findings: The male female ratio was 2.3:1. Road traffic accidents were the cause of fracture in 80% of the cases rest 20% was fall from a height. 43.33% did not have any associated injuries. 36.66% injured were from service class and 26.66% were house wives. More than 62.5% house wives received injury because of fall from a height. Conclusion: Involvement of high proportion of service class was because of their higher exposure, similarly more proportion of females got injuries because of fall indicate their negligence. This all indicate that an awareness drive have to be carried out about various causes of accidents among the masses.Keywords
Awareness, Accidents.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March - April 2010; 201-202.
- Harlan S. Chiron, Jean Tremoulet, Patrick Casey & Maurice Muller-Fractures of the distal third of the femur treated by internal fixation, Clinical Ortho. And Related Research, No. 100, 1974.
- Slatis, P. Ryoppy, S. Huittinen, V.M. - AOL osteosynthesis of the fractures of the distal third of the femur, Acta Orthop. Scand, 42: 162, 1971.
- Olerud, S. - Operative treatment of supracondylar - condylar fractures of the femurm Technique and results in fifteen cases, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 54-A: 1015, 1972.
- Schatzker J., Mahomed N., Schiffman K., Kellam J. - Dynamic condylar screw: a new device. A preliminary report, J. Orthop. Trauma, 1989; 3 (2): 124-32.
- Seinsheimer, Frank III - Fracture of the distal femur, Clin. Orthop. 153: 169-179, 1980.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. 1997 Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) 3 (2), 12.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. 1998 Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) 4 (1), 10.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009:1(2); 82-84.
- 1326 Indians die daily in accidents, suicides; The Times of India, New Delhi, 18th January, 2011; pp-01.
- Study of the Effects of Various Intraocular Pressure Reducing Drugs in Reducing Postoperative Rise in Intraocular Pressure after Cataract Surgery
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (CG) Bastar, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 2 (2012), Pagination: 116-118Abstract
Methods: This post operative randomized double masked clinical trial comprised patients with age related cataract having undergone extracellular cataract extraction (ECCE) with or without posterior chamber Intra ocular lense implementation (PC-IOL). They were randomly assigned to use topical timoilol or betaxolol or levobunalol or acetazolamide or intracameral pilocarpine (Group 1a/1b/1c/1d/.1e) respectively at the completion of the surgery. Two controls were taken- a. Intra-ocular pressure in the follow eye (Control-I) b. Intraocular pressure in the operated eye ,in which no Introcular pressure reducing drugs had been instilled (Control-II ) (Group-II). Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured 6 hours, 24hours, 3rd day, 7th day and 2nd month postoperatively. The anterior chamber was examined for the levels of cells and flare using slit lamp examination.
Results: Levobunalol was more effective in reducing post operative IOP rise at 6 hours of surgery, 3rd day, 7th day 1st month, and 2nd month where as Timolol was more effective at 24 hours. There were significant difference in IOP between Group-I (those patients who received topical iop reducing drugs) and group-II (operated patients without any IOP reducing drugs) post operatively (p<0.05). No excessive postoperative inflammation was observed in any group. In the control group-I (fellow eye), IOP remained constant throughout the period. This indicated that the drugs were not playing any major role in altering IOP of the fellow eye. In the control II (group-II), maximum mean pressure rise was 18 mm Hg at six hours. This indicated that it was the operative procedure that was causing the rise in IOP. Diurnal variation in IOP was playing no significant role.
Cataract, Intraocular Pressure.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:2(2) March-April 2010;201-2.
- Bansal Manish :A comparative study of the effectiveness of various drugs in preventing post-operative intra ocular pressure rise following cataract surgery; Thesis for M.S. (Ophthalmology) 2001 submitted to AMU, Aligarh (UP)
- Garg Nrendra K.and Bansal A.K.: Management of information system in context of health care delivery; J. Ravishankar University :Vol.14 ,No-B(Science )2001; pp35-40
- Bansal A.K., Ram R.C., Dixit S., Thaker N.N. and Adile S.L.; "A macro level community diagnosis of eye health care programme in - low socio-economic strata community" Silver Jubilee Conference of IAPSM, Department of Community Medicine Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal; 23rd, 24th and 24th October 1997.
- Shukla P., S. K. Shukla and Bansal A.K 'Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Study of Tribal and Nontribal People Of A Slum about Eye Health Care'. Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 2011, 3(5), 289-291
- An Assessment of the Functional Results of Supracondylar and Intercondylar Fractures of Distal Femur Treated with 95° Angle Blade Plate
1 Peoples College of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bhopal, IN
2 Peoples College of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bhopal, IN
3 Chiryau Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, IN
4 Peoples Dental Academy, Bhopal (M.P.), IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 6 (2012), Pagination: 346-348Abstract
BACKGROUND: The knee has become the most vulnerable of all joints since man has taken to traveling at high speeds in a squatting position with the leading edge composed of flexed hind limbs. These fracture have assumed importance for continuing controversies regarding their management. These fractures are considered to pose difficult problems for their management because of their malalignment, incongruity and insatability. The aim of treatment in all cases is one to obtain stable, mobile and painless joint.OBJECTIVE: To assess the functional results of the fractures of lower femur fractured treated by 95° Angle Blade Plate fixation.
MATERIAL and METHOD: This is an experimental study was carried out in a Medical College Hospital. A total of 17 patients were taken as sample and treated by Angle Blade Plate fixation. Stastical Analysis: Simple proportion and ratio.
FINDINGS and INTERPRETATION: On analysis it was found excellent results in 82.35% cases and satisfactory in 11.76%. There was unsatisfactory results in 05.88% cases.The results of the present study were more or less in accordance of the findings of other studies conducted throughout globe by different authors.
Angle Blade Plate, Pain, Walking Capacity.References
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- (4) Harlan S. Chiron, Jean Tremoult, Patric Casy and Maurice Muller - Fractures of the distal third of the femure treated by internal fixation,Clinical Ortho. and Related research; No.100.1974 (4).
- (5) Olerud S. - Operative treatment of supracondyler fractures of the femure,Technique and results of fifteen cases;J.of bone and joint surgery; 54 - A;1015,1972.
- (6) Sanders R, Regazzoni, Juha I Jakkola, Douglas W Laundy, Thomas Moore, Brad Jones,Timothy M Gany and William C. Hutton - Supracondyler femure fracture fixation (Mechanical comparision of the 95 condyler side plate and screw verses 95 angle blade plate) Acta Irtho. Scand; 73;1,2002.
- (7) Seinsheimer Frank 111 - Fracture of the distal femure, Clinico Ortho.;153 :169-178.
- (8) Schtzker J., Home G. and Wadell J.- The Toranto experience with supracondyler fracture of the femure, 1966-72;injury 6; 113-128:1974.
- (9) Moderate drinking good for aging bones:Sunday Hindustan Times, New Delhi:July 08,2012:pp15.
- (10) High-dose vitamin D prevents fracture:Sunday Hindustan Times, New Delhi :July 15,2012:pp17.
- (11) Singh Sanat, Thakur Amit K., K.K. Singh, Shristava P.K. and Netam Sujata :Hospital Stay of Patient:Supracondyler and Intercondyler Fractures of the Distal Femur; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamica; 4(2):2012;108-110.
- (12) Singh Sanat, Dwivedi S.K., Bansal A.K. and Netam Sujata:Epidemiological Profile of Fractures of Lower Femur Patients;Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamica; 4(1):2012; 34-36.
- The Cytological Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar (C. G.) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 4 (2012), Pagination: 241-244Abstract
Background: More than two thirds of all cancer deaths occur in low and middle income countries. It is estimated that there are 1.5 -2 million cases at any given point in time.
Objective: Early and accurate diagnosis of cancer patients. Material and methods: Eighteen cases after clinical diagnosis were subjected to FNAC and Imprint cytodiagnosis by perineal route and needle with stylus and Histology.
Findings: The accuracy rate of both FNAC and Imprint cytodiagnosis was 100%. There were no false results.
Conclusion: A very important benefit of FNAC and Imprint cytology in prostatic diseases is reduction of time interval between needle biopsy of prostate and surgery i.e. surgery can be performed after one hour of biopsy.
Democratic Alliance, Key Players.References
- India to host trials for viruses to treat cancer: The Times of India, New Delhi .March 6, 2010; pp 9.
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March - April 2010; 201-202.
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- Godwin J. T.: Rapid diagnosis of surgical specimen; Acta Cytol: 20; 11-115 (1964).
- Bansal A.K. Chandorkar R.K., Knowledge, Belief, and Practice: A study of Tribal Mother about feeding of infants, Tribal Health Bulletin (I.C.M.R.) 1993; 2:3-4.
- Garg Narendra K. and Bansal A.K. Management of information system in context of health care delivery .J of Ravishanker University; Vol 14:No. B (Science) 2001:35-40.
- Bansal A.K and Garg Narendra K, Information, Education, Communication in context of reproductive and child health including HIV/AIDS. J. of Ravi Shanker University; Vol 14 No. B (Science) 2001:28-34.
- Alfia Fatima, Bansal A.K., Shamsuddoha, Ratre, H. L. et. al. Leprosy elimination in district Sarguja ; J of Ravishankar University: Vol.18 :No.B (Science )2006; pp 61-68.
- Third-hand smoke can cause cancer too: The Times of India, New Delhi, Thursday, February 11, 2010; pp 16.
- An Epidemiological Study of Cerebrovascular Accidents Cases Admitted in a Tertiary Hospital
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 4 (2011), Pagination: 192-195Abstract
Out of 50 patients, 5 (10%) patients were in age group of 31 t5o 40 years; 11(22%) in 41 to 50 years, 14 (28%) in 51 to 60 and 12 (24%) cases in the age group of 61 to 70 years. Out of 50 cases 30 (60%) and 20 (40%) respectively belong to rural and urban back ground respectively. On further analysis, 35 cases presented with disturbed consciousness, 15 cases had weakness, 14 had speech loss, fever was noted in 7 cases and convulsion was present in 4 cases. Vomiting was also present in 4 cases, headache was complaint of 5 cases and one case had vision loss. More than one symptoms were present in all patients.
The predominant presenting sign of motor weakness was seen in the 15 cases disturbed consciousness in 35 patients, 7th cranial nerve involvement seen in 19 cases. Blood pressure was elevated in 31 cases. Out of 50 cases 22 had systemic hypertension as a associated disease, 5 cases had cardiac lesions, another 5 patients had past history of CVA, 2 patients had diabetes mellitus, 1 case was associated with pulmonary tuberculosis and one case had cerebral malaria. Out of 50 cases, 47 cases presented as hemiplegia, 2 had quadriplegia and only one had monoplegia.
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- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol. - 2, No. - 3 & 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar Uni; Vol. - 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B.(2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol. - 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
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