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Sangeeta, S.
- Preserving Big Data Integrity in Cloud with an Efficient Manner
Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol 8, No 7 (2016), Pagination: 240-243Abstract
A man’s dream is process Big Data in cloud. But, nowadays this is achieved by using a new technology called cloud computing. Security is the major concern in Big Data. In cloud storage for Big Data are easily modified by the attackers. To overcome this data modification problem in cloud storage for Big Data, in this paper a novel Proxy Re-signature technique called Homomorphic Authenticable Proxy Iterative-signature is used for enhancing data security by using public key verifier. Public key Verifier will verify the integrity of shared data without accessing the entire big data from the cloud storage and also digital signature is attached to each block of message. With this digital signature, individual users can access the big data in the cloud storage. Whenever the attacker modifies the block of data in the cloud then signature is provided to user for modifying the particular block alone, these avoids the modification of data