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Mukherjee, S.
- To Compare the Immediate Effect of Deep Breathing Exercise and Incentive Spirometry on Abg after Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery
1 Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi,, IN
2 Department of Rehabilitation, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, IN
3 Interventional Cardiologist, Metro Heart Hospital, New Delhi, IN
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy-An International Journal, Vol 6, No 4 (2012), Pagination: 12-17Abstract
Purpose: To compare the Immediate effect of Deep Breathing Exercise and Incentive Spirometry on ABG after Mitral Valve Replacement surgery.
Methods : Thirty-two patients of elected MVR surgery with age group 20-40 years were included for the study. They were trained pre-operatively and assigned into two groups and performed either deep breathing exercise or incentive spirometry according to the group they assigned on second post-operative day.
Measurement: ABG variables; Pao2, Paco2 and Sao2 were measured on second post operative days before and after the interventions.
Results: Data analysis was performed using the software package SPSS 15.0.Independent paired test was performed to compare between the groups and paired test was used to compare all variables within group. Significant differences were found in Pao2 on second post operative days after breathing exercises. There was no significant value found in Incentive Spirometry group.
Conclusion: The result of the study suggested that deep breathing exercise could be of benefits in the treatment of post-operative oxygenation after mitral valve replacement surgery.
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- Estimation of Protein and Lipid of Ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium (Trematoda) Following Administraion of Mebendazole under in vitro Condition
1 Department of Zoology, Jogamaya Devi College, Kolkata 700 026, IN
2 Department of Zoology, Dinabandhu Andrews College, Koikata-700 084, IN
Journal of Environment and Sociobiology, Vol 3, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 105-110Abstract
Mebendazole is reported as a highly elTective antihciininthic drug. This compound causes mortality of the helminth parasites. In viiro administration of mebendazole lowered the total protein content of Ceyloiwcoiyle scoliocoeliiiiii, which is a common rumen irematode of cattle. Death of the parasite after mebendazole treatment is supposed to be due to enzymatic blockage of protein synthesis or due to activation of certain proteolytic substances. No change of local lipid content is observed after mebendazole administration. Total protein and lipid of C. scoliocoeliiim were estimated in spectrophotometry. Protein bands were studied by SDS-PAGE.Keywords
Mebendazole, Irenuilode, Protein Content, Lipid Content.- Synthesis and Optimization of Silica -Ni Nanocomposite
1 Department of Metallurgical & Material Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700032, IN
2 School of Material Science & Nano -Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700032, IN
3 Rustech Products Pvt Ltd, Kolkata -700045, IN
Indian Science Cruiser, Vol 26, No 5 (2012), Pagination: 13-17Abstract
The optimum combination of experimental variables- temperature, time of heat treatment under nitrogen atmosphere and amount of Ni-salt has been delineated to find the maximum yield of nanophase Ni in the silica powder. The size of Ni in the silica powder is found to be 32nm and 45nm. A statistically adequate regression equation, within 95% confidence limit has been developed by carrying out a set of active experiments within the framework of design of experiment. The regression equation clearly indicates the beneficial role of the temperature and time of heat treatment.
Silica Powder; Ni, Design of Experiments; Nanocomposites.- Quantification of Valuable Metals from E-Waste
1 Department of Metallurgical & Material Engineering, J U, IN
2 School of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, J U, IN
Indian Science Cruiser, Vol 27, No 1 (2013), Pagination: 51-54Abstract
E-waste is a growing environmental concern for both developed and developing countries in recent times. Huge quantity of e-waste is generated world-wide each year. In the present work, authors have processed three different kinds of e-waste sources (SMPS, mobile phone & television remote), and while presenting a reproducible technique using chloride leaching to extract the valuable content (e.g. gold, silver) and other elements (e.g. Co, Ni), also presented the comparative study of their observed composition.
E-Waste, Chloride Leaching, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.- Identification and Assessment of the HAZ Softening and Hardening Phenomena for Submerged Arc Welding Process for Structural Steel Plates
1 Department of Mechanical Engg. Govt Engineering College, Kalyani, W.B,, IN
2 MECON India Ltd., Ranchi, IN
3 Department of Mechanical Engg. & Mining Machinery Engg., Indian School of Mines, University, Dhanbad, IN
Indian Welding Journal, Vol 42, No 2 (2009), Pagination: 37-42Abstract
Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) process has lot of social and economical implication. Critical set of variables are involved in this process, and they are needed to be controlled. An attempt has been made in this paper to find out- the influence of the heat input on HAZ hardness (change of hardness & microstructure) for Submerged Arc Welding Process of Mild steel plates. Mild steel plates are welded by changing input variables (current, voltage, trolley speed, i.e. heat input) and Rockwell hardness No. on different grid points (points are taken horizontally & vertically 2 mm apart) of welded surface and at the zone adjacent to the welded portion has been observed. A detailed analysis of the microstructure changes is carried out to understand the HAZ softening phenomenon.
SAW, HAZ Hardness, Rockwell Hardness No., Microstructure, Grain Growth.- Indepth Investigations into the Capability of Plazma Arc Cutting of Mild Steel Tubes
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mining Machinery Engineering, Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad, IN
2 Mecon Ltd., Ranchi, IN
Indian Welding Journal, Vol 42, No 3 (2009), Pagination: 58-64Abstract
Plasma Arc cutting (PAC) is a process of cutting steel and other metals (or sometimes other materials) using a plasma torch. In this method, an inert gas (in some units, compressed air) is blown at high speed out of a nozzle. At the same time an electrical arc is formed through that gas from the nozzle to the surface being cut, turning some of that gas to plasma. The plasma is sufficiently hot to melt the metal being cut and moves sufficiently fast to blow molten metal away from the cut. Plasma can also be used for plasma arc welding and other applications. In Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC), the plasma gas flow is enhanced so that the intense and deeply penetrating plasma jet cuts through the material and molten material is removed as cutting dross. PAC differs from oxy-fuel cutting in that the plasma process operates by using the arc to melt the metal whereas in the oxy-fuel process, the oxygen oxidizes the metal and the heat from the exothermic reaction melts the metal. Unlike oxy-fuel cutting, the PAC process can be applied to cutting metals which form refractory oxides such as stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum, and other non-ferrous alloys. In this paper the deviations in the thickness of the cut profile of the square tubes are critically analyzed for assessment of the deviations in the cut surface of the square tubes of structural steel due to the phenomena like top edge rounding, dross, cut surface bevel angle, top spatter and extended kerf width etc.
Top Edge Rounding, Kerf Width, Dross, Top Spatter, Cut Surface Bevel Angle.- Weldbead Parametric Estimation of SAW Process Through Neural Network
1 Dept., Kalyani Govt Engg. College, Kaiyani, IN
2 Mecon Limited, Ranchi, IN
3 Department of Mechanical Engg. & Mining Machinery Engg. Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad, IN
Indian Welding Journal, Vol 40, No 4 (2007), Pagination: 33-43Abstract
In this paper, an attempt has been taken to develop a model to predict the yield characteristics (weld bead parameters) of Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) process with the help of neural network technique. The SAW process has been chosen for this application because of the complex set of variables and high set up cost involved in the process as well as its significant application in the manufacturing of critical equipments which have a lot of economic and social implications.
Under this study the neural network model has been trained according to the actual inputs and outputs.
After completing training, the desired inputs have been given to the model and it gives the estimated output value. And according to this we can also estimate the error between the actual and predicted results. Neural network is implemented here because of having remarkable ability to derive meaning from complicated or imprecise data and can be used to extract patterns and detect trends that are too complex to be noticed by either humans or other computer techniques. Hence a trained neural network can be thought of as an "expert" in the category of information it has been given to analyses.
- A GIS-Based Approach for Radiation Risk Assessment Around a Thermal Power Plant Towards Adopting Remedial Measures
1 Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, IN
2 Department of Science and Technology and Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal, Kolkata 700 091, IN
Current Science, Vol 116, No 10 (2019), Pagination: 1683-1689Abstract
Coal combustion in thermal power plants releases ash, which is reported to cause adverse health hazards in humans and other organisms. Owing to the presence of radionuclides, it is also considered as a potential radiation hazard. In this study, based on the surface radiation measurements and relevant ancillary data, expected radiation risk zones were identified with regard to human population residing near a thermal power plant using GIS. With population density as the vulnerability determining criterion, about 20% of the study area was in the ‘high’ risk zone and another 20% in the ‘low’ risk zone. The remaining 60% was under ‘medium’ risk zone. Based on the findings of this study, greenbelt locations have been proposed as a remedial measure.Keywords
Geographic Information System, Radiation Risk Analysis, Remedial Measures, Surface Radiation, Thermal Power Plant.References
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