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Mangaraj, S.
- Process Development for Utilization of Fermented Tofu Whey as a Source of Tofu Coagulant and Antioxidants
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1 Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal M.P., IN
1 Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal M.P., IN
International Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol 6, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 296–303Abstract
Tofu whey is the liquid waste in tofu production industries, contains valuable compounds such as non-digestible oligosaccharides (NDO), which promote the growth of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in the colon and is currently discarded by the food industry. Tofu whey was reported that it was used as a growth medium for the production of lactic starters and substituting for expensive basal medium for the production of L- Lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria. In this study, fermented tofu whey (TW), a by-product of tofu industry was investigated for the preparation of tofu, micro flora and chemical changes of TW during tofu whey fermentation. The gel properties of tofu coagulated with fermented TW were also studied. During the fermentation stages the change of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was found. The pH value, protein, carbohydrate, organic acid changes during the production of fermented tofu whey were studied. It was found that the pH value of acidic whey had a significant effect on coagulation properties of TW tofu. The microbiological findings in this study have clearly demonstrated the presence of the high counts of LAB investigated and a large amount L-lactic acid produced by LAB must have act as the main tofu coagulant.Keywords
Tofu Whey, Antioxidant, Coagulant, Fermentation,LAB- Effect of processing condition on the quality and beany flavour of soymilk
Abstract Views :541 |
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1 Agro Produce Processing Division, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal 462 038, IN
1 Agro Produce Processing Division, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal 462 038, IN
Current Science, Vol 109, No 6 (2015), Pagination: 1164-1171Abstract
Soymilk is a water extract of soybean and contains good-quality proteins, fat, minerals and phytochemicals. Regular use of soymilk enhances and protects human health. However, soymilk prepared by traditional method of cold-water grinding has a characteristic beany flavour which may not be acceptable to all consumers. This flavour could be minimized using appropriate processing technology. The present study shows that soymilk with almost negligible flavour could be produced using hot-water grinding and deodorization. Shelf-life of soymilk is about a week when it is pasteurized and stored in a refrigerator. The sensory quality parameters such as appearance, flavour, taste and overall acceptance of soymilk prepared by hot-water grinding followed by deodorization were good, indicating high consumer acceptance.Keywords
Beany flavour, deodorization, lipoxygenase, phytochemicals, soymilkReferences
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- Development and Characterization of Commercial Biodegradable Films using Blown Film Extrusion Technology
Abstract Views :385 |
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1 Centre of Excellence on Soybean Processing and Utilization, ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal 462 038, IN
2 LARPM, Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar 751 024, IN
3 Divisions of Natural Resource Management, ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair 744 105, IN
4 Agro Produce Processing and Division, ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal 462 038, IN
1 Centre of Excellence on Soybean Processing and Utilization, ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal 462 038, IN
2 LARPM, Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar 751 024, IN
3 Divisions of Natural Resource Management, ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair 744 105, IN
4 Agro Produce Processing and Division, ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal 462 038, IN
Current Science, Vol 116, No 6 (2019), Pagination: 997-1002Abstract
The aim of this study was to develop commercial polylactic acid (PLA), PLA + polyethylene glycol (PEG) and PLA + polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT)-based biodegradable films using blown film extrusion technology. The films produced were characterized for morphological, structural, optical, mechanical and thermal properties. The haze %, tensile strength, oxygen transmission rate (OTR), water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) parameters were varied from 10.65% to 28%, 48.3 to 56.49 MPa, 194.55 to 318.25 cc/m2/day and 175 to 318.18 (gm/m2/day) respectively for developed films. The study showed that better haze properties in biofilm are achived by compatibilizing with PEG. Thermal degradation of virgin PLA takes place in a single weight loss step with degradation peak at 349.77°C compared to PLA + PBAT blended that took two weight loss step. Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy study was used to monitor the absorption peak shifts in specific regions to determine the known functional group interactions of the PLA with various types of materials. In all the films the absorbtion peaks appeared at 1451.2–1451.7 and 2921.2–2944.3 cm–1 corresponding to asymmetrical deformation of C–H bond. The stretching of C=O band vibration appeared at 1745.2–1745.7 cm–1 in PLA, PLA + PEG and PLA + PBAT film. From the fracture scanning electron microscope micrographs, there was smooth surface texture for films, and no interfacial differences were visible indicating the presence of a single phase and structural integrity of the films. The developed packaging films were subjected to MA packaging study with capsicum and found to be at par with low-density polyethylene + linear low-density polyethylene in maintaining the texture, colour and overall market quality.Keywords
Biodegradable Film, Characterization, Extrusion Blown Film, PBAT, Polyethylene Glycol, Polylactic Acid.References
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