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Jayanthi, S.
- Parallel Learning Reinforcement-A Case Study
1 Dept. of Mathematics, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, IN
2 Dept. of Phyics, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, IN
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Vol 28, No 4 (2015), Pagination: 96-101Abstract
Even though Mathematics, the queen of all sciences, is necessary for the engineers to master, their basic knowledge in mathematics, before taking the first year course is crucial. There is an urgent need for strengthening the students' fundamentals in mathematics, especially that of the fresh entrants into the engineering course. A novel methodology consisting of identifying those students with poor comprehension, coaching them during extra hours along with the regular course, improving their caliber and evaluating their performance to quantify the success of the process was carried out successfully in the department of mathematics, BMS College of Engineering. The result of the student's survey is discussed in this paper.Keywords
Parallel Learning, Diagnostic Test, Remedial Class.- An Energy Based Clustering for Data Gathering using Multiple Sensor Cars in WSN
Networking and Communication Engineering, Vol 8, No 4 (2016), Pagination: 127-131Abstract
Nowadays, Data Gathering using mobile element plays an important role in wireless sensor network. The mobile element can gather data in two ways. First, Data can be collected from the sensor nodes using single hop relaying. This maximizes the energy consumption and minimizes the lifetime of the network. Secondly, the data can be collected using Multi-hop relaying scheme. This minimizes the energy consumption of a single sensor node and maximizes the network lifetime which in turn reduces the data loss and minimizes the delay. But there is a problem on routing the data packets from sensor node to base station. This paper proposes an Energy based Clustering for Data Gathering Using Multiple Sensor Cars (EC-DGMSC) in Wireless Sensor Networks which assembles the sensors into group and an aggregation node (Cluster Head-CH) is elected for each group. The Sensor Car (SenCar) gathers data dynamically from the CH, once the energy level of CH falls below the threshold then new CH will be selected from the cluster. Thus, the proposed framework reduces the energy consumption of the sensors as well as extends the network lifetime compared to existing systems.
Clustering, Cluster Head, Data Gathering, Multi-Hop Relay, Single-Hop Relay, SenCar, Wireless Sensor Networks.- Privacy Protection and Interruption Avoidance for Cloud-Based Medical Data Sharing
1 Department of Computer Applications, S.A. Engineering College, IN
Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 11, No 4 (2019), Pagination: 53-56Abstract
In this paper and analyse a behaviour-rule specification-based technique for intrusion detection of medical devices embedded in a Medical Cyber Physical System (MCPS) in which the patient's safety is of the utmost importance. A methodology to transform behaviour rules to a state machine, so that a device that is being monitored for its behaviour can easily be checked against the transformed state machine for deviation from its behaviour specification.
Using vital sign monitor medical devices as an example; In demonstrate that our intrusion detection technique can effectively trade false positives off for a high detection probability to cope with more sophisticated and hidden attackers to support ultra-safe and secure MCPS applications. Moreover, through a comparative analysis, A demonstrate that our behaviour-rule specification-based IDS technique outperforms two existing anomaly-based techniques for detecting abnormal patient behaviours in pervasive healthcare applications.
Privacy Protection, Data Sharing, NTRU, Collaborative IDS.References
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- Improving Home Automation Security; Integrating Face Recognition Using LBPH Algorithm in Door Lock System
1 Department of Computer Applications, S.A. Engineering College, IN
Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol 11, No 4 (2019), Pagination: 72-75Abstract
The home automation security is growing field now-a-days. This paper says about accessing the modern smart home with security system. In this security system double verification process is used. Double verification is done through Password and Face Recognition. In this paper I taken two doors mainly and assumed as primary door and secondary door. Primary door (access to the living room) and Secondary door (entire access to the home); both are controlled by Raspberry pi board to perform the door open operation. LCD panel and Raspberry pi-3 camera placed on primary door with LCD panel enter password and get access to the primary door and raspberry pi camera will capture the image and compare with database using LBPH algorithm if captured image matches with database then provide access to the secondary door. If I need to access the entire home, I need to satisfy the double verification process.
LCD Panel, LBPH, Raspberry Pi, Face Recognition.References
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- Volume of the Brain Tumour Regions with Hybrid Segmentation
1 Assistant Professor SG, Department of ECE, Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai, IN
2 Professor, Department of ECE, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, IN
3 Professors, Department of ECE, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, IN
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol 10, No 11 (2019), Pagination: 3806-3812Abstract
MR imaging gives the normal and abnormal anatomy of the brain. MR imaging plays a vital role in diagnosis, localization, quantifying the volume of the tumour and in treatment planning for the radiologists. In this we propose a method for segmentation of tumour regions of brain from a two dimensional (2D) cross sectional magnetic resonance (MR) images. In this an active contour segmentation algorithm is done regions. It uses the hybrid technique of intensity and fuzziness to segment the tumour region. The Flair MR image is used to estimate the whole region of the tumour. The MR images have a complex intensity which will not be able to give a proper segmentation if a single method is used. The segmentation is done without any training dataset. From the segmented results, the Radiologists can find the intensity of whole tumour. This method shows the significant improvement in segmentation compared to manual segmentation.Keywords
Active Conyour, Brain Tumour, FCM, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 3D Reconstruction.- An IOT Cloud based Wearable Heart Beat and ECG Observation System that Managing the Traffic for an Ambulance
1 Department of Computer Applications, S. A. Engineering College, IN