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Chandrasekaran, S.

  • On-Line Trade of Aesthetic Exotic Organisms: Sword of Damocles?

  • Studies on the Maintenance of 'Self-Sustained' Mosquito Vector Population in Vaigai River, South India

  • Impact of Prosopis juliflora on Nesting Success of Breeding Wetland Birds at Vettangudi Bird Sanctuary, South India

  • Impact of Removal of Invasive Species Kappaphycus alvarezii from Coral Reef Ecosystem in Gulf of Mannar, India

  • Response

  • Graph Theoretical Modelling and Analysis of Fragile Honey Bee Pollination Network

  • Hiriyakkanavar Junjappa (1936–2021)

  • Exploring Activity Concentration Measurements of Environmental Samples Containing Heavy Metals and their Remediation

  • Are National Level Conferences 'End of Season Sales'?

  • Influence of Flower Colour and Seasonality on Plant Invasion Success

  • An Expedition from ‘Time-Pass Research’ to Innovative Research

  • Sambasiva Swaminathan (1923–2020)