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Ansari, S. A.
- Air-layering of Trees with Differential Adventitious Rooting Response
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Indian Forester, Vol 130, No 3 (2004), Pagination: 318-322Abstract
Five economically important forestry species namely Anogiessus latifolia, Boswellia serrata, Dalbergia latifolia, Dalbergia sissoo and Gmelina arborea having differential adventitious ischolar_maining response were evaluated for air-layering. Shoots of randomly selected trees of each species were girdled and covered with soilrite and black polythene. After forty five days, the air-layered shoots were detached from the trees to record observations on alive air-layered shoot (%), callusing (%), ischolar_maining (%), ischolar_main number, ischolar_main length, ischolar_main fresh and dry weight. The procedure was found to be feasible for clonal propagation of Boswellia serrata and Dalbergia sissoo with 52 % and 68 % adventitious rhizogenesis, respectively. Formation of callus in Dalbergia latifolia, Anogiessus latifolia and Gmelina arborea suggests strong possibility of successful air. layering if suitable exogenous treatments are provided.- Clonal Propagation of Bambusa nutans through Culm and Culm-branch Cuttings
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Indian Forester, Vol 128, No 1 (2002), Pagination: 35-40Abstract
The suitability of culm and culm-branch cuttings for adventitious ischolar_maining under the influence of various auxin treatments was investigated in view of the problem of inadequate adventitious rhizogenesis in Bambusa nutans. Induction and growth of adventitious rhizogenesis in both types of cuttings was noted to be more in April than May. However, culm cuttings exhibited markedly better adventitious ischolar_main formation and growth, compared to culm-branch cuttings. The cuttings responded more positively to exogenous auxin treatments in the month of May and administration for 24 h of 2.00 mM indole 3-butyric acid consistently enhanced adventitious ischolar_maining in both months.- Ascorbic Acid Promotes Adventitious Rhizogenesis in Teak (Tectona grandis)
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Indian Forester, Vol 127, No 5 (2001), Pagination: 599-602Abstract
No abstract- Adventitious Rhizogenesis in Relation to Seasonal Variation, Size of Culm Branch Cuttings and IAA Treatment in Bamboos
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Indian Forester, Vol 126, No 9 (2000), Pagination: 971-984Abstract
A one year study was undertaken to investigate adventitious rhizogenesis in culm branch cuttings of Bambusa vulgaris var. striata and Dendrocalamus strictus as influenced by seasonal variation. size of cuttings, IAA treatment and their all possible interactions. Adventitious rhizogenesis in both species was found to be season specific and the cutting size and lAA treatment helped in optimizing ischolar_maining behaviour during responsive warm season of the year. April x 100 ppm IAA x double/triple nodal cuttings and February x 100 ppm IAA x double nodal cuttings are recommended for large scale vegetative propagation of B. vulgaris var. striata and D. strictus, respectively.- Rooting Response of Semi-hardwood Shoot Cuttings of Grewia optiva and Lagerstroemia parviflora
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Indian Forester, Vol 132, No 12 (2006), Pagination: 1661-1666Abstract
Adventitious rhizogenesis in semi-hardwood shoot cuttings of two 'ischolar_maining recalcitrant' forestry species, Grewia optiva and Lagerstroemia parviflora was investigated. The cuttings of approximately 20 cm length and 1.0 cm diameter were treated with equimolar (2mM) doses of indole 3-butyric acid, sodium acetate, ascorbic acid and thiamine for 24 h by basal dipping. After ten weeks of planting, observations were recorded for sprouting (%), ischolar_maining (%), ischolar_main number, and ischolar_main length and ischolar_main-sprout ratio. Treatment with IBA significantly induced adventitious ischolar_maining (upto 67%) in Grewia optiva. In Lagerstroemia parviflora, treatment of thiamine resulted in significantly better adventitious rhizogenesis than other treatments.- An Air Layering Method for Clonal Propagation of Albizia procera
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Indian Forester, Vol 124, No 5 (1998), Pagination: 354-356Abstract
No abstract- Effect of Position and Age of Cuttings and Auxins on Induction and Growth of Roots in Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.
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Indian Forester, Vol 121, No 3 (1995), Pagination: 201-206Abstract
The response of branch cuttings of D. sissoo was variable with regard to synthetic auxin application, diameter class and age of donor trees.1AA proved much effective for induction and NAA, for growth of adventitious ischolar_mains. The response pattern for induction of ischolar_maining was in the order: Young cutting > thin cutting > thick cutting. The physiological basis for such behaviour has been discussed.- Assessment of Inter-character Correlations in Pterocarpus marsupium, An Endangered Medicinal Plant of Tropical forest
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Indian Forester, Vol 139, No 7 (2013), Pagination: 633-635Abstract
In the present study, attempts were made to find out the parameters for selection of superior trees of Pterocarpus marsupium. The studies associated with correlation and path analysis, indicated clearly that clear bole height, girth at breast height and total plant height were the most important parameters which could be considered for selection of superior plants of this species. In fact, it would be appropriate if these parameters are incorporated in developing strategy for selection and genetic improvement of the species.Keywords
Pterocarpus marsupium, Character Correlation, Path Coefficient Analysis- Influence Organsiation's HRD Practices on Employee's Perceived Quality of Work Life and Work Identification
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1 Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, IN
1 Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, IN
Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, Vol 4, No 5 (2013), Pagination: 1167-1170Abstract
The study was intended to examine the effect of organisation's human resource development practices on employee's perceived quality working life and work identification of Engineers of Kashmir division. The sample consists of 120 Engineers whose age ranged from 24-58 years. Work identification was measured through a questionnaire developed by Shrivastava and Dolke (1978). Quality of working life and Human resource development was measured through the questionnaires developed by Shah (2000). The data was analysed by the Multiple Regression method.Keywords
Human Resource Development Practices, QWL (quality Working of Life) and Work Identification.- Endogenous Bio-Chemical Changes Vis-a-Vis Node Positions on one Year Old Shoot in Teak (Tectona grandis L.F.)
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1 Tropical Forest Research Institute, RFRC, Mandla Road, Jabalpur (Rajasthan), IN
1 Tropical Forest Research Institute, RFRC, Mandla Road, Jabalpur (Rajasthan), IN
Indian Forester, Vol 141, No 3 (2015), Pagination: 275-278Abstract
Endogenous contents of moisture, soluble sugars phenols and o-phenols as well as peroxidase activity at ischolar_maining zone of successive N1-10 nodes from top to bottom collected from one year growth of a 5-6 year old teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) bud grafts maintained in vegetative multiplication garden were estimated. No set trend in endogenous bio-chemical parameters suggests that they play active physiological role in differentiation/ growth of shoot appendages and also adventitious ischolar_mains in excised shoots. Their minimum endogenous levels at N1 and N2 may be due to their involvement in extension growth of twigs and leaf expansion related metabolic process, making their limited availability for de novo adventitious ischolar_mains. Thus, the above preliminary biochemical investigations carried out at various nodes of the same shoot may, to some extent, help explain their differential ischolar_maining response besides encouraging in depth exploration to find out biochemical basis of progressive loss of juvenility and ischolar_maining potential with the aging of perennial trees.Keywords
Adventitious Roots, Endogenous Bio-Chemicals, Moisture Content, Nodes, Vegetative Multiplication Garden.- Comparative Field Performance of Micropropagated Plantlets of Three Bamboo Species
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1 Tropical Forest Research Institute, P.O-R.F.R.C, Mandla Road, Jabalpur 482021 (M.P), IN
2 Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi (Jharkhand), IN
1 Tropical Forest Research Institute, P.O-R.F.R.C, Mandla Road, Jabalpur 482021 (M.P), IN
2 Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi (Jharkhand), IN
Indian Forester, Vol 141, No 7 (2015), Pagination: 739-744Abstract
The experiment was laid out for assessing the performance of three micpropagated bamboo species, viz, Bambusa nutans, Bambusa tulda and Dendrocalamus asper in a complete randomised block design with three treatments, viz., control, VAM, NPK and five replicates. During two years of field trial, the survival rate was recorded to be 100% without any insect and pathogen attack. A significant variation in diameter was noticed in three bamboo species after 6 months of trial only. The species showed significant variations in culm height only at 24 months after planting, which was in the order: Bambusa nutans > Dendrocalamus asper > Bambusa tulda. The application of NPK significantly influenced culm number. Thus, culm height appears to be under genetic control, i.e. species specific and culm diameter and number under environmental control, i.e. amenable to fertilizer application.Keywords
Culm Diameter, Culm Height, Culm Number, Fertilizer, VAM.- Structural and Morphological Study of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles
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1 Centre of Excellence in Materials Science (Nanomaterials), Department of Applied Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, IN
2 Centre of Nanotechnology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SA
1 Centre of Excellence in Materials Science (Nanomaterials), Department of Applied Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, IN
2 Centre of Nanotechnology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SA