Abstract Views :203 |
1 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore, IN
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Vol 37, No SP 2 (2024), Pagination: 514-522
Fast paced technological advancements lays more emphasis on embedded system design to real world applications. This mandates the inclusion of hardwarebased courses like Digital Electronics and Microprocessors & Microcontrollers. These pre-requisite courses introduced in the early semesters pave the way for students to develop keen interest, skill and proficiency in the area of embedded systems and System-on-Chip design. The challenges that lay before the course instructors are to kindle the students' interest in these courses and also to make them industryready engineers. In order to bridge the gap between the industry expectations and skills imparted in the undergraduate education, additional courses are offered to the students as value added courses. The students are offered ‘Embedded System Design using PIC Microcontrollers’ in the sixth semester exposing them to the real time challenges faced during the embedded system development. Further to handle real-time challenges, a modified Project Based Learning (PBL) – Agile based approach is adopted in this course. This paper presents the formation of curriculum for the course addressing the gaps and deployment of Agile methodology during the Project phase of the proposed value-added course. It preludes a habitat similar to the industry so that the students will be able to fit in and fluently blend the transformation from academia to industry. This paper also points out the importance of a well-defined rubric based assessment system, to ensure consistent and unbiased grading of project work by multiple instructors. Also, a quantitative metric ‘Attainment Index (AI)’ - weighted mean of the class quantizes the cohort’s performance in a simpler and more reliable form. A course end student feedback survey is conducted to measure the effectiveness of the employed method. the hiring process while exhibiting greater confidence and additional skill sets to the interview panel, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to thrive in the ever-evolving field of embedded systems.
Agile Methodology; Embedded System Design; Project based learning; Rubrics Based Assessment; Self Reflection