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Panigrahi, Rajeshree
- Cardioprotective Activity of Ocimum canum Hydro-Alcoholic Leaf Extracts against Isoproterenol Induced Myocardial Infarction in Rats
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Saiprasanna Behera
S. Manohar Babu
Y. Roja Ramani
Prasanta Kumar Choudhury
Rajeshree Panigrahi
1 Department of Pharmacology, Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Brahmapur, Odisha- 760002, IN
2 Department of Pharmacology, SIMS College of Pharmacy, Mangaldas Nagar, Guntur- 522001, IN
3 Department of Pharmacology, MKCG Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha- 760004, IN
1 Department of Pharmacology, Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Brahmapur, Odisha- 760002, IN
2 Department of Pharmacology, SIMS College of Pharmacy, Mangaldas Nagar, Guntur- 522001, IN
3 Department of Pharmacology, MKCG Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha- 760004, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 4 (2012), Pagination: 191-201Abstract
Myocardial infarction (MI) was produced in rats with 200 mg/kg of isoproterenol (ISO) administered subcutaneously (sc) twice at an interval of 24 h. Shift in antioxidant parameters, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatine phosphokinase (CPK), Troponin T, Catalase together with morphological and histopathological changes were investigated. Two hundred mg/kg ISO dose was selected for the present study as this dose offered significant alteration in biochemical parameters along with moderate necrosis in heart. Effect of pre- treatment of hydro-alcoholic extract of Ocimum canum (OC) at different doses (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) was investigated against ISO (200 mg/kg) induced myocardial infarction in rats. Modulation of various biochemical parameters and membrane integrity was studied. OC at the dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg reduced significantly glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and LDH levels. It also inhibited the lipid peroxidation as observed by the reduced thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) levels. In the present study OC at the dose of 400 mg/kg was found to demonstrate maximum cardio-protective effect. Above results were further confirmed by histopathological findings. Thus from the present study it is concluded that OC may be of therapeutic and prophylactic value in the treatment of MI.Keywords
Isoproterenol, Myocardial Infarction, Ocimum canum, Antioxidant Enzymes.References
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1 Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - Berhampur, IN
2 St. Ann's college of Pharmacy, Cantonment- Vizianagram, IN
3 Berhampur University- Berhampur, IN
4 Himalayan Institute of Pharmacy, Sikkim, IN
1 Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - Berhampur, IN
2 St. Ann's college of Pharmacy, Cantonment- Vizianagram, IN
3 Berhampur University- Berhampur, IN
4 Himalayan Institute of Pharmacy, Sikkim, IN