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Rajasekaran, R.
- Mitigation of SSR in a Series Compensated Wind Power System by using SMES with STATCOM
1 Department of EEE, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore, IN
Programmable Device Circuits and Systems, Vol 5, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 60-65Abstract
In recent years, the large penetration of wind power system is considered as an effective means for power production due to this continuously growing nature of wind power system, power utilities does not consider the power quality problems that are issued by the system. They are going for other power system stability analysis. This will produce an integration of large wind power system with the electrical network that are series compensated for ensuring bulk power transfer. But this series compensated transmission system will produce an unwanted effect of subsynchronous resonance. SMES (Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Storage) with STATCOM (Static Compensator) controller provide an efficient damping for Subsynchronous Resonance that will enhance power system stability in addition to real and reactive power compensation. And it will reduce MVA rating required by the STATCOM when it is operated alone. Here output of PV cell is used instead of a constant dc source. This work mainly concentrate for the coordinated operation of STATCOM control with SMES scheme for the series compensated wind power system for damping power system oscillation is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK in power system block set.
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES), Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG), Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR), Wind Turbine Generator (WTG).- Enhancement of Task Performance Aided by Music
1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai 603 110, IN
2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindugul 624 622, IN
3 School of Electronics Engineering, VIT University, Chennai 600 127, IN
4 School of Biosciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore 632 014, IN
Current Science, Vol 111, No 11 (2016), Pagination: 1794-1801Abstract
Our study demonstrates the enhancement of task performance aided by music. Task performance and associated physiological changes were studied in participants who listened to music (Indian classical instrument or Indo jazz). Their mood and their perceived emotions were evaluated using positive and negative affect schedule and self assessment manikin scales, and their pulse rate was measured. Visual Go and No-go trials were given as task stimuli and task performance was measured. Changes in the mean pulse rate were significantly low (P < 0.05) during Indo jazz. We conclude that Indian classical instrument and Indo jazz induced positive effects and enhanced task performance.Keywords
Music, Pulse Rate, Reaction Time, Task Performance.- Impact of Uzhavar Sandhai on Livelihood Empowerment of Farmers
1 Department of Agricultural Extension, Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College, G.B.Nagar, Kalavai, Vellore (T.N.), IN
2 Department of Agricultural Extension, Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sagayathottam, Vellore (T.N.), IN
3 Department of Agricultural and Rural Development Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T.N.), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 11, No 4 (2016), Pagination: 374-379Abstract
The study was conducted to assess the impact and decision alternatives of farmers towards uzhavar sandhai. Totally 7 uzhavarsandhais present in Vellore district, out of that 4 uzhavarsandhais were selected based on convenience sampling technique. The uzhavar sandhais were selected from four blocks of Vellore, Arcot, Ranipet and Katpadi. Totally 90 respondents were composed through random sampling method. A survey was conducted and interview schedule was used to collect the data. Based on the collected data, the variables were analysed by using SPSS software and the results are predicted. The results show that the majority of the farmers belong to middle age category. Majority (52.20%) of the respondents were marginal farmers who were holding the l and size upto 2.5 acres. Half of the farmers were attending the market from the year 2000 onwards. Three fourth 75.00 per cent of the respondent’s primary occupation was farming. Three fifth (73.00 %) of the respondents were having moderate accessibility with the uzhavar sandhai. Two fifth (68.9%) of the respondents were medium level decision alternatives followed by low level (18.90 %).
Uzhavar, Sandhai, Livelihood, Empowerment, Impact Analysis, Decision Alternatives, Marketing.- Marketing Behaviour of Coleus Growers
1 Directorate of Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T.N.), IN
2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T.N.), IN
3 Department of Agricultural Extension, Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College, G.B. Nagar, Kalavai, Vellore (T.N.), IN
4 Department of Agricultural Extension, Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sagayathottam, Vellore (T.N.), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 11, No 4 (2016), Pagination: 401-405Abstract
Medicinal plants gain significance because of their contribution to local health support systems, generation of local income, foreign exchange earnings and contribution to bio-diversity. Medicinal plants, if cultivated properly, it can contribute significantly to the economic rural development. This study was conducted in Salem district of Tamil Nadu, from the selected district four villages were taken for the study. The medicinal plants selected for the study purpose was coleus which is cultivated in Salem district of Tamil Nadu. Regarding the export of medicinal plants India’s contribution to the international market is increasing rapidly (Kumar, 2004). This can be achieved through increased cultivation of medicinal plants. At this juncture, marketing behaviour of the medicinal plant growers was considered important and analysed. The finding concluded that they existed low marketing behaviour among the growers.