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Raja Kumar, R.
- Synchronization in Chaotic Communication
Abstract Views :253 |
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1 Mathematics Department, Sathyabama University, Chennai-119, IN
2 Electronics Engineering Department, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, IN
1 Mathematics Department, Sathyabama University, Chennai-119, IN
2 Electronics Engineering Department, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, IN
Networking and Communication Engineering, Vol 3, No 5 (2011), Pagination: 306-311Abstract
This paper proposes a Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum (FHSS) communication system using chaos and its synchronization. The spread spectrum technique of frequency hopping uses pseudorandom number (PN) generator to produce a random sequence of frequencies. A new class of signature sequences for use in Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum communication systems is proposed. In arriving at these sequences, the theory of chaos has been used. The correlation properties of these chaotic sequences are similar to random white noise. The numbers and lengths of chaotic sequences are not restricted like m sequences. The performances of chaotic sequences in multiple access communication are shown to be similar to that of PN sequences. Furthermore, due to their noise like appearance, chaotic sequences outperform PN sequences in low probability of intercept. In this method the spreading sequences change from one bit to the next in very random like fashion, causing undesired interception to be very difficult. The synchronization of the system is also proposed.Keywords
Chaotic Sequences, Chaotic System, FHSS, PN Sequences, Synchronization.- Secure Image Transfer Using Chaos
Abstract Views :246 |
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1 Mathematics Department, Sathyabama University, Chennai-119, IN
2 Electronics Engineering Departments, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, IN
1 Mathematics Department, Sathyabama University, Chennai-119, IN
2 Electronics Engineering Departments, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, IN
Digital Image Processing, Vol 3, No 2 (2011), Pagination: 119-124Abstract
In this paper we examine one of the recently proposed chaotic image encryption algorithms, based on chaotic map lattices (CML). We also study and examine another algorithm that could satisfy expectations of efficiency and security in the case of digital colour image encryption. The proposed algorithm provides more security and secrecy to the colour digital images as compared to the security provided by the existing CML based algorithm suggested by Pisarchik. At the end, we show the results of a security analysis and a comparison of both schemes.Keywords
Chaotic Map Lattice, Digital Image, Image Encryption, Security.- Selection of Vanishing Moments of Symlet and Coiflet Wavelets on CT Images
Abstract Views :264 |
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1 Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, IN
1 Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol 12, No 5 (2019), Pagination: 2404-2406Abstract
The main aim of the work is to develop image compression algorithms with high quality and compression ratio. The objective also includes finding out an best algorithm for medical image compression techniques. The objective is also alert towards the choice of the developed image compression algorithm, which do not modify the characterization behavior of the image. In this paper, image compression algorithm based on discrete symlet and coiflet wavelet transform is implemented for decomposing the image. The selection of different vanishing moments are discussed based on the values of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), compression ratio (CR), means square error (MSE) and bits per pixel (BPP). The optimum moments for compression are also chosen based on the results.Keywords
Wavelet Transforms, Symlets, Coiflets, EZW, SPIHT and STW.References
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