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Kaushal, R.

  • Decomposition Pattern and Nutrient Dynamics in Leaf Litter of Populus deltoides Marsh. In Himachal Pradesh

  • Rooting Behaviour of Bambusa balcooa Roxb. in Relation to Season, Age and Growing Conditions

  • Integrated Farming Systems for Food and Nutritional Security in North Western Himalayas

  • Estimation of Genetic Diversity in Bamboos through Metroglyph Analysis

  • Stable Variegated Mutant in Dendrocalamus Asper (schult.) Backer Ex Heyne

  • Genetic Evaluation of Nutritional and Fodder Quality of Different Bamboo Species

  • Growth Analysis and Yield of Wheat in Agrisilviculture System in Tarai Region of North-West India

  • Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Bamboo Species through SDS-Page Protein Analysis

  • Watershed-Scale Runoff-Erosion-Carbon Flux Dynamics: Current Scope and Future Direction of Research

  • Introduction of Dendrocalamus stocksii (Munro.) in the Northwestern Himalayan foothills for sustainable production and resource conservation

  • Vegetative Propagation of Maggar Bans (Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Munro):Effects of Planting Time, Spacing and Phophorus Application on Macro-Proliferation Behaviour under Open Nursery Bed