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- C. P. Suryawanshi
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Pimprikar, R. B.
- Antiparkinsonian Effect of Cassia tora on Oxotremorine Induced Parkinson Methodology
Abstract Views :481 |
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C. P. Suryawanshi
V. R. Patil
R. Y. Chaudhari
M. K. Kale
S. D. Firake
R. B. Pimprikar
M. D. Patil
S. B. Yeshwante
D. S. Saindanem
1 Tapi Valley Education Society's Hon.L.M.C. College of Pharmacy, Faizpur Dist. Jalgaon (MS), IN
2 K.Y.D.S.C.T's College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Tal-Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon 425201, IN
3 Nagaon Education Society's Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon.424005 Dist Dhule (MS), IN
1 Tapi Valley Education Society's Hon.L.M.C. College of Pharmacy, Faizpur Dist. Jalgaon (MS), IN
2 K.Y.D.S.C.T's College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Tal-Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon 425201, IN
3 Nagaon Education Society's Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon.424005 Dist Dhule (MS), IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 1, No 1 (2009), Pagination: 35-38Abstract
The Parkinson's disease is mainly distinguished from other diseases based on the key feature that is tremors. Oxotremorine induced oxidative stress is implicated as a common pathway in development of Parkinson's symptoms like, tremor, salivation and temperature variation. Hence Oxotremorine-induced tremor model was used to evaluate antiparkinsonian drugs. Different extracts of plant of Cassia tora such as, petroleum ether (200mg/kg) p.o., methanolic (200mg/kg) p.o. and ethyl acetate extract (200mg/Kg) p.o. were used to investigate antiparkinsonian effect on oxotremorine induced Parkinson's symptoms in mice. Procyclidine, an anticholinergic, antiparkinsonian drug was administered as a standard drug at a dose of 5mg/kg p.o., 1hr prior the administration of oxotremorine (0.5mg/kg) S.C. Methanolic extract at 200mg/kg p.o route of administration decreased (p<0.05) Parkinson's symptoms, while petroleum ether extract (200mg/kg)p.o and ethyl acetate extract (200mg/kg)p.o shows moderate action. This study suggests that cassia tora is a plant with possible therapeutic value for Parkinson's disease.Keywords
Parkinson's Disease, Oxotremorine, Tremor, Procyclidine.References
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- Kim YM, Lee CH, and Kim H G, Anthraquinones isolated from cassia tora seeds show an antifungal property against phytopathogenic fungi. J. Agri. Food Chem. 2004; 52: 6096- 6100
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- Anti-Diarrheal Activity of Methanolic and Aqueous Extracts of Dillenia indica L
Abstract Views :337 |
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S. B. Yeshwante
A. R. Juvekar
R. B. Pimprikar
R. T. Kakade
M. Tabrej
M. K. Kale
S. D. Firke
1 Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai- 400019, IN
2 Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule, IN
3 KYDSCT's College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Jalgaon, IN
1 Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai- 400019, IN
2 Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule, IN
3 KYDSCT's College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Jalgaon, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 1, No 3 (2009), Pagination: 140-142Abstract
The methanolic extract of Dillenia indica leaves have been reported to possess anti-inflammatory activity. Inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and bradykinins are involved in the pathogenesis of diarrhea. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the anti-diarrheal activity of aqueous and methanolic extracts of Dillenia indica leaves. The anti-diarrheal activity was evaluated using Castor oil induced diarrhea model and different parameters such as onset of diarrhea and total number of feaces for the period of 4 hours. were observed. The results of test group were compared with Vehicle control group using one way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's Test. The results revelaled that both extracts at doses of 200 and 400mg/kg P.O. showed significant (P<0.01) prolongation of onset of diarrhea and significant (P<0.01) reduction in total number of feaces after 2nd hour of treatment while dose of 100mg does not show any activity. From the results it can be concluded that the inhibition of the diarrhea and prolongation of onset might be due to inhibition of inflammatory mediator release and phyto-constituents such as flavonoids and tannins may have also contributed to the anti-diarrheal activity.Keywords
Dillenia indica, Dilleniaceae, Castor Oil, Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts.References
- Wendel GH, Maria AOM, Guzman JA, Giordano O, Pelzer LE. Antidiarrheal activity of dehydroleucodine isolated from Artemisia douglasiana. Fitoterapia 2008; 79: 1-5.
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- Yeshwante SB, Juvekar AR, Nagmoti DM, Wankhede SS, Shah AS, Pimprikar RB, Saindane DS. Anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic extract of Dillenia indica L. Leaves. J. Young. Pharmacists. 2009;1:63-66.
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- O.O. Adeyemi OO, Akindele AJ. Antidiarrhoeal activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Baphia nitida (Papilionaceae). J. Ethnopharmacol. 2008;116: 407-412.
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- Mukherjee PK, Saha K, Murugesan T, Mandal SC, Pal M, Saha BP. Screening of anti-diarrhoeal profile of some plant extracts of a specific region of West Bengal, India. J. Ethnopharmacol. 1998;60:85-89
- Capasso F, Mascolo N, Izzo AA, Gaginella TS. Dissociation of castor oil-induced diarrhoea, and intestinal mucosal injury in rat: effect of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Br. J. Pharmacol. 1994;113:1127-1130.
- Mbagwu HOC, Adeyemi OO. Anti-diarrhoeal activity of the aqueous extract of Mezoneuron benthamianum Baill (Caesalpiniaceae). J. Ethnopharmacol. 2008;116:16-20.
- Physicochemical Characterization of Solid Dispersion of Cefexime with Poloxamer 188
Abstract Views :269 |
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D. S. Saindane
A. S. Kulkarn
A. N. Sagri
R. B. Pimprikar
S. B. Yeshwante
C. P. Suryawanshi
S. D. Firke
M. K. Kale
1 Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Govt. College of Pharmacy, Karad, (M.S.), IN
2 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Govt. College of Pharmacy, Karad, (M.S.), IN
3 Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule, (M.S.), IN
4 KYDSCT's College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Tal. Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon (M.S.), IN
1 Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Govt. College of Pharmacy, Karad, (M.S.), IN
2 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Govt. College of Pharmacy, Karad, (M.S.), IN
3 Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule, (M.S.), IN
4 KYDSCT's College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Tal. Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon (M.S.), IN
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Form and Technology, Vol 1, No 2 (2009), Pagination: 162-166Abstract
This study compares the physicochemical properties of cefixime (CFX) solid dispersions prepared by freeze drying method. Solid dispersions of cefixime in poloxamer 188 were prepared and characterized by intrinsic dissolution, powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy. CFX:Poloxamer 188 solid dispersions showed increased dissolution rate than pure CFX. The Infrared spectroscopic studies showed interaction between CFX and Poloxamer 188 in solid dispersions. The scanning electron microscopy studies showed decrease in particle size of binary system as compared to particle of pure drug. The amorphous state of CFX coupled with presence of interaction between drug and Poloxamer 188. However, the antimicrobial activity of CFX was increased significantly by Poloxamer 188 against S. aureus and E. coli. The solid dispersion technique of CFX:Poloxamer 188 binary system provides a promising way to increase the solubility and dissolution rate of poorly soluble drugs.Keywords
Cefixime, Solid Dispersion, Poloxamer 188, Freeze Drying, Dissolution Rate, Binary System.- Physicochemical Characterization of Solid Dispersion of Telmisartan with Alkaliser by Hot Melt Method
Abstract Views :285 |
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M. D. Patil
R. V. Keny
R. B. Pimprikar
S. B. Yashwante
D. S. Saindane
S. K. Mandlik
Mujawar Tabrej
M. K. Kale
B. M. Firke
1 255- Shramsafalya, Niwas, Janta Park, Navapur, Dist. Nandurbar, MS, PIN- 425418, IN
2 Government College of Pharmacy, Goa, IN
3 Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule(M.S.), IN
4 KYDSCT's College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Tal. Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon, (M.S.), IN
1 255- Shramsafalya, Niwas, Janta Park, Navapur, Dist. Nandurbar, MS, PIN- 425418, IN
2 Government College of Pharmacy, Goa, IN
3 Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule(M.S.), IN
4 KYDSCT's College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Tal. Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon, (M.S.), IN
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Form and Technology, Vol 1, No 3 (2009), Pagination: 250-253Abstract
The effect of molecular weight of polyethylene glycols (PEGS) and drug/PEG ratio on the structure and dissolution rates of the solid dispersions with Telmisartan have been examined. Telmisartan (TEL) was chosen as a model drug due to its poor and pH dependent water solubility. The alkalizer used to modify the pH of TEL was NaOH, in the SD system significantly increased the drug dissolution rate in gastric fluid (pH 1.2) . Structural change in drug crystallinity to an amorphous form was also a contributing factor based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns. The drug frequency of the C=O band decreased and the O–H broad band in the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra disappeared when this alkalizer was added. It was evident that the alkalizer in PEG 6000 based SDs synergistically enhanced dissolution of TEL not only by modulating pH but also by changing drug crystallinity to an amorphous form via molecular interactions.Keywords
Telmisartan (TEL), Solid Dispersion (SD), Alkalizer, Hot Melt Method.- Anthelmintic Activity of Hiptage benghalensis (L) Kurz Leaves
Abstract Views :268 |
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S. V. Chordiya
R. B. Pimprikar
S. B. Yeshwante
Tanvir Shaikh
P. N. Patil
M. K. Kale
B. M. Firke
1 Varadvinayak Sankul, Flat No-1, Bajrang Chawk, N-8, CIDCO, Aurangabad-431005, IN
2 Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule, IN
3 Science College, Nagaon, Dhule (M.S.), IN
4 KYDSCT,s College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Jalgaon (M.S.), IN
1 Varadvinayak Sankul, Flat No-1, Bajrang Chawk, N-8, CIDCO, Aurangabad-431005, IN
2 Gangamai College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule, IN
3 Science College, Nagaon, Dhule (M.S.), IN
4 KYDSCT,s College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Jalgaon (M.S.), IN