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Sharma, Prachi
- Phytopharmaceuticals as Cosmetic Agents: A Review
1 Department of Pharmacognosy, RKDF College of Pharmacy, Bhopal (M.P.), IN
Research Journal of Topical and Cosmetic Sciences, Vol 2, No 1 (2011), Pagination: 11-13Abstract
The concept of beauty and cosmetics is as ancient as mankind and civilization. Cosmetology, the science of alteration of appearance, has been practiced since primordial times. It is believed to have originated in Egypt and India, but the earliest records of cosmetic substances and their application dates back to circa 2500 and 1550 B.C. to the Indus valley civilization.
The growing scientific evidence, that plants posses a vast and complex arsenal of active ingredients (phytochemicals) able, not only to calm or smooth the skin but actively restore, heal and protect the skin, has increased their use in cosmetics. As many herbal agents used in cosmetics have been selected by a process of 'trial and error", there use is based on experience rather than experimental investigation. They may be utilized for cosmetic in three forms as total extracts or single molecules purified from extracts (e.g. aloe vera gel,teas,plant extracts) selective extract (e.g.liquorice,ginkgo,wheat germ)or single natural molecules (e.g.vitamins,coenzyme Q10).The following summary shows only plants that have been shown to be effective in scientific studies.
Phytochemicals, Phytopharmaceuticals, Cosmetics.- Pharmaceutical Aspects on the Formulations of Hydrogel: An Update
1 Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Kohka-Kurud Road, Bhilai - 490024, Chhattisgarh, IN
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Form and Technology, Vol 10, No 2 (2018), Pagination: 79-84Abstract
Hydrogels belongs to the classes of 3-dimensional cross-related polymer's community which could withstand the wide varieties of environmental fluctuations. These biomaterials can include massive quantum of biological fluids with extraordinaryswelling properties. whilst swelled, they exhibit opportune biocompatibility. Nowadays drug delivery enjoys several demanding situations where hydrogel might be onedeserving answer to those. Thanks to the specific properties of hydrogel for which they're employed except ionally in the field of biomedical sciences. For this reason, the raining techniques of hydrogel biomaterial and the evaluation of the different classes of above mentioned are most importance. literature's survey suggested that this 3-dimensional structure may be homo-polymeric, co-polymeric, andinterpenetrating polymer networks (IPN) based on guidance techniques. Polymericblends like semi-IPN have additionally been investigated to meet the precise requirements of biomedical science. Particularly emphasizing on biocompatibility, However, bendy strategies of synthesis and tailor in a posit ion physical residencehad made the hydrogels to be used as a drug transport tool in issue engineering. As scaffolds, they also offer structural integrity like tissues regeneration andrepair and as a drug carrier it must have enough mechanical strength to maintain the structural integrity of drug moiety. In this review article a comprehensiveapproach has been made to describe the strategies of hydrogel synthesis withtheir inevitable properties.the present study is performed for the motivation of the graduates towards publication and research. Hence, we have encouraged the graduates to prepare an informative article on the present subject.Keywords
Hydrogel, Homo-polymer, Co-Polymer, Interpenetrating Network, Swelling, Mechanical, Biocompatible.References
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