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Goyal, Pooja
- The Evolution of Smart Cities
Abstract Views :219 |
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1 GZS PTU Campus, Bathinda, IN
1 GZS PTU Campus, Bathinda, IN
Research Cell: An International Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol 13 (2014), Pagination: 125-132Abstract
As the worldwide population is growing continuously at an unprecedented pace, a large number of individuals are moving to urban areas each and every day. Indeed novices can foresee that the urban population be doubled within a brief period of time. The world is becoming more urbanized. To handle such urbanization, it is the need of the hour to make our cities even smarter. Smart cities find new ways to manage complexity, increase efficiency and reduce expenses and provide a high quality life. This need, leads to the development of 100 smart cities as a part of "Modi's acche din vision" from the outset. This present paper aims to shed light on the often elusive definition of the concept of the "smart city".Keywords
Smart Cities, Infrasturucture, Urban Development, Urbanization, City Planning.- Trust Management Techniques and their Challenges in Cloud Computing: A Review
Abstract Views :270 |
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1 Department of Computer Science and Application, MD University, Rohtak (Haryana),, IN
1 Department of Computer Science and Application, MD University, Rohtak (Haryana),, IN
International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications, Vol 9, No 6 (2022), Pagination: 761-774Abstract
.Cloud computing is a way to handle tasks like development, production, and maintenance done on the web. This domain is evolving. It uses a pay-per-use system like an electric bill and can be used to run virtual machines. Customers are rapidly adopting and shifting the companies that provide such services due to the presence of numerous service providers. It is also customizable as per users’ requirements but poses several security risks. It is dynamic and can be updated to meet the needs of both the client and the service provider. It is a significant feature of such distributed computing platforms. However, this undermines trust and credibility and generates security, protection, individuality, and authenticity problems. Consequently, selecting an appropriate service provider is the most critical test in the cloud environment. The Trust system is an essential part of how QoS and feedback ratings are judged to evaluate the service. Even so, the executive's plan for observing and evaluating QoS still needs to get past several tests. This paper examines the current impediments to trust in the existing trust framework. This report includes a systematic review of various high-quality articles published on trust management between 2010 and July 2022. To do this, some strategies for managing trust are put into four groups: SLA, suggestion, feedback, and prediction. This article also compares the pros and cons, evaluation methods, tools, and simulation settings of different management models.Keywords
False Rating, Subjectivity, Cloud Environment, Service Level Agreement, Reputation System, Quality of Service (QoS).References
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